FWIW, I still remember the day a week before a trade show when something
went FUBAR on must-have-for-trade-show parts.  I ended up driving over 80
miles before lunch.  It does happen, and I don't want to be making excuses
for my EV.

I'm thinking the public will be OK with 150 miles and happy with 200.

On Nov 18, 2014 1:37 PM, "Ben Goren via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:49 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> > Range anxiety is often cited as one of the major reasons battery electric
> > vehicles have yet to take off in the mass market. But does it actually
> exist
> > in practice?
> That friend of mine whom I mentioned a week or three ago is, I think, a
> typical example of how range anxiety expresses itself.
> Best I can tell, he's the ideal example of somebody who'd be happiest with
> one of today's freeway-capable production electric vehicles. More than
> enough range for what he actually drives, plus all of the other advantages
> the rest of the choir here knows so well.
> But he's worried that there might be some random emergency with the wife
> or kids or parents that has him driving all over creation on no notice when
> he's already at work and thus used up a quarter of his range.
> I don't think he's ever actually _had_ such an emergency that a typical
> electric vehicle would be unable to handle...but the fear remains.
> I think 200 might be the magic number for my friend and people like him.
> Most people are going to think of that as a 100=mile radius, and think of
> that as more than enough "Murphy factor" to not have to worry. Only those
> with insane commutes are going to think of that as not being enough.
> Reality doesn't necessarily play much of a role in these sorts of
> decisions. I could suggest that, for the once-a-decade time (if that) my
> friend actually needs to make that sort of an emergency excursion he could
> easily hire a cab, and it wouldn't matter. "It's better to have it and not
> need it than need it and not have it" is the mentality at work.
> b&
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