Ben Goren wrote:
>... but the fact remains that American culture is largely built
> around on-the-go charging. It's what people know and how they think.

That is not culture, that is a habit. It may be difficult to break, but
habits change. Today you see long lines to buy coffee at Starbucks,
were not there 10 years ago - someone created that habit, many followed.

One simple question: where do you charge your cellphone and laptop?
On-the-go or at home or both?
I think the same is true for EVs.
There won't be electric plug-in stations on every streetcorner in the
near future. There will be scattered public charging stations and a
concentration in every shopping and work destination, plus the normal
one you use for overnight charging in your garage/carport/assigned
parking space and probably eventually, a lot of curbside charging for
those who can't park on premises for whatever reason.


Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation
Email: Private:
Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

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