On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Rush Dougherty <r...@ironandwood.org>

> I'm not sure I agree... I think that
> ​​
> everything has its limits and it's fine to
> admit and respect them.

​Hold that thought - more later...​

> Let me ask you, if your boss, the day of the " must-have-for-trade-show
> parts"
> asks you to pick up 20 bags of cement, and it would grossly overload the
> springs
> of your care, would you say Yes of course, or No my car cannot take that
> kind of
> weight?

​My car doesn't fly either.  But somehow it​

​wouldn't disappoint anyone to tell them my car was unable to get me across
the continent within a day.

As you say, "​...
everything has its limits and it's fine to
​ ​
admit and respect them.
​"  But there are also expectations to consider.  There is no way I would
be riding my bicycle to work when there are many loose ends to tie off
before a high-stakes deadline like a trade show.  A car is a tool that
assists in carrying out the many responsibilities we have.  I need my car
to function.  Without fail.  Most people expect the same, but they don't
even think about it.  Until that very important tool falls short.

The expectations people have for their cars are a large part of the reason
Mr. and Ms Public​ are still hesitant about EVs.  Hobbyists like you and I
recognized the value of this technology early on and were willing to put up
with its pre-fully-developed limitations.  Now is not the time to hold onto
that willingness, because now is when the Public needs to start getting on
board in a big way.

I didn't really get it when Elon Musk insisted on giving the Model S such
an enormous range.  Even though I know I would never need that much, now I
understand his reasoning.

​People won't buy if they don't feel comfortable with their purchase.  Even
me.  That's why my conversion was good for 80 mpc using lead.  I was
seriously considering buying an i-Miev recently for my 46 mile round-trip
commute, until I realized its 60+ range wasn't enough in the real world.
Old-school conversion mentality doesn't play well in the world of public
opinion, and that's what matters if we want acceptance for EVs.

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