Here's another point of view.

Range anxiety doesn't so much come from the range of the vehicle but the ability to charge. Regardless of the range, at some point you will have to charge. If such places are easy to come by and charging doesn't take long, it's not a big deal.

For example, if you need to drive across Phoenix and there are superchargers every 5 miles, you wouldn't think twice about running out of energy. At some point, you'd simply look at your gauge and say, "I think I should stop and charge". Lo and behold, you'd spot a charge station, pull in, and charge.

Charging is still in its naissance. The current build out of level 3 quick chargers gives a distorted impression. There seem to be plenty of level 3's in urban areas but only a sparse thread between cities. Aside from Tesla, the production EVs on the road today may not be able to make it between the sparsely located charge stations. On top of that, 20-30 minutes to charge is hardly convenient. Thus, people assume they need to make their trip without stopping to charge, resulting in range anxiety.

A few years ago, everyone was talking about 100 miles per charge as the magic number; then EVs would really be practical. Well, we more-or-less reached that. Are they successful? I would say yes - they are now practical in urban environments for a very large number of people.

The next magic number seems to be 200 miles. I think that number, combined with faster level 3 charging, will virtually eliminate range anxiety. You'll be able to go whereever and charge if you need to. But this only works if there are ample level 3 stations, and fast ones, on your rote.

My conclusion is that range anxiety comes more from the lack of adequate charging facilities, not from the range of the vehicle.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Ben Goren via EV" <>
To: "tomw" <>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 19-Nov-14 7:08:04 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Hand-wringing EV angst is not a real problem

On Nov 19, 2014, at 7:27 AM, tomw via EV <> wrote:

A person's viewpoint on this and many other things depends on how risk averse s/he is, and we all tend to think our level of risk aversion is just about
 right and any that is quite different is unreasonable.

Range anxiety, I think, is even more governed by typical and expected use cases.

If you have a five mile commute and the next city is thirty miles away and you can't imagine needing to go there on a whim, range anxiety isn't going to exist even with a vehicle with only 50 miles of range.

If you live (as I do) in the Phoenix metro area, a vehicle with an 80-mile EPA range probably won't even be able to make it from Apache Junction (the city on the eastern edge of the Valley) to Buckeye (on the western edge) on a single charge.

Risk aversion is going to be secondary to that. Maybe you live in the small town and you're not very risk averse, so a 20-mile range seems luxurious; maybe you live in the small town and you _are_ risk averse and that 50-mile range is what it takes to calm your fears. But, no matter how risk averse you are or aren't, if you live in Surprise and work in downtown Phoenix and can't plug in (a perfect description of another friend of mine), that 50-mile car isn't even going to get you all the way home. This same friend also sometimes has to go to Mesa as part of the job, and _that_ round trip is itself outside of even the Leaf's EPA range. She'd probably honestly need a 200-mile range just to get to the same level of lack of range anxiety as that person in the small town would have with a 20-mile range.

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