Hi Stephen and All,
                             I've been EVing for 20 yrs now and found early on 
the beauty of lightweight EV's, 250-1000lbs that can be charged from 120vac 
outlets fairly fast because they have small pack and use little/mile.           
                 My most recent Harley Servcecar  size trike pickup only needs 
60wthrs/mile so charges about 25 mph at 120vac outlets.  Soon will have a full 
aero cabin cutting drag more.                            Luckily there are 6 
billon? of 120vac outlets to chose from.                            I've never 
used one of the new ones as they are not where I'm going usually still but 
120vac outlets I can find near everywhere.                            As can no 
longer walk far my solution is a range extender that will be rarely used for 
long range.
                                                        Jerry Dycus.       
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