/"...But what's not irrelevant is our charging infrastructure.  We're
building out L3 charging which, I believe, will be too slow once 200+ mile
range cars are out..."/

I agree Peri.  I think we failed to move from the lead-acid range mentality
to anticipate longer range vehicles. Less than a decade ago people who drove
evs were always looking for places to opportunity charge from 120VAC because
they only had about 15-25 mile range, and 120VAC was what was more
available. One of the main topics of conversation at ev club meetings was
the location of various opportunity charging points.  Addition of 5 miles
range was significant then, 20% to 33% extension, and could make the
difference for getting back home from across town. 

Compared to charging from a 120VAC outlet L2 EVSEs seemed really fast, so
more than adequate. The L2 network was put in place to give people peace of
mind that they wouldn't run out of charge driving around town, but they
weren't going to anyway.  I pointed that out after I converted my car in
2009 but the people in the local ev club who had driven lead acid evs for
years were still understandably focused on opportunity charging. 

The main purpose of L2 EVSEs now is for people from out of town to charge,
since vehicles with greater than around 50 mile range rarely charge anywhere
but at home for around town trips. But L2 EVSEs are too slow for adding 50
more miles or so.  It only works well if you leave your car charging while
you do something else such as go for a hike, bike ride, eat a meal, or do
some work on your computer at a coffee shop (with a note on the windshield
stating time it is ok to unplug). It also is fine for charging at work, but
then 120VAC would do the job there for most people.

I think it likely we are now repeating the same mistake we made going from
20 mile evs to 80 mile evs. In several years people will likely be driving
140 - 200 mile range evs, wanting to add much more range per charging
session, and wondering why we installed all these unbelievably slow L2
EVSEs.  It is a situation common to quickly moving technologies.  

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