On Apr 6, 2015, at 5:08 PM, Chris Tromley via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> And there is no AI system sufficiently advanced to make the right
> decision in every case.

Your objections are a classic example of making the perfect the enemy of the 

In order to improve traffic safety, self-driving cars don't have to be perfect; 
they only have to be better than the average human.

And they're already there, especially when you consider that the average human 
is too-often tired, distracted, drunk, or whatever. Even if everybody in the 
car is drunk, asleep, texting, legally blind, under the age of ten, or all of 
the above...the car is still going to drive itself more safely than most humans 
will when taking the driving test from the DMV.

Again, it won't be perfect. It'll just be far, far superior to humans.

As to who'll pay when self-driving cars crash...I'm sure it'll be the insurance 
companies. They'll be quite thrilled with them, as they'll be able to give 
"significant" discounts on insurance plans and simultaneously make insane 
profits because the'll be paying out far less with self-driving cars than with 
humans. That is, their expenses will drop to a negligible fraction of what they 
are today even as their income drops not even as much as the advertising lingo 
of "up to 15%!"

In math...today you might pay them $100 / period and cost them, on average over 
all drivers, $50. You get a self-driving car, and you now pay them $85...but 
now you only cost them $5 at most. They've more than doubled their profits.

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