Well, there is a difference between CO2 and other forms of air pollution. I don't think cities are suffering from excess CO2, though more fresh air with higher oxygen might be desirable.

But, in my opinion, there are plenty of other reasons to move towards zero ICE vehicles. Global warming, reduced urban livability from noise, the direct environmental hazards of extracting carbon based fuels (think fracking), the fact that even the best ICE vehicles do emit non CO2 pollutants especially as they age.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Mark Abramowitz via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "dovepa" <dov...@bellsouth.net>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Cc: "Peri Hartman via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 14-May-16 12:34:09 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy carbon) battery paper

The need for zero emission vehicles has been around for significantly longer than efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. For many parts of the country (and world), local levels of air pollution have tremendous impacts on human health and the environment. If you believe that we can solve the CO2 problem by eliminating coal, and you think that it can be done in a reasonable amount of time, there still remains a urgent need for zero and near-zero emitting vehicles.

- Mark
Sent from AltaMail

From: dovepa via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> To: Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy carbon) battery paper Date: 5/13/16, 6:49 PM

I don't see a need to eliminate the internal combustion engine. Most of the CO2 comes from burning coal. According to the EPA only 14% comes from transportation. All forms of transportation together road, rail, air and marine.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> Date: 5/13/16 4:13 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Mike Beem <beemik...@gmail.com>, EVDL Administrator <evp...@drmm.net>, Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org> Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy
  carbon) battery paper
The range problem definitely does exist.  How are you going to get rid
of ICE vehicles for long range travel if you can only go 100 miles or so
per charge?  Even 200 miles.

This has nothing to do with the vehicle you might use for everyday
commuting and errands. Yes, 100 miles is almost always plenty for that.
  And, yes, you can rent something if you want to go long range.

But we're talking about getting ICE vehicles off the road.  That long
range vehicle needs to go 300-400 miles on a charge to be practical.
Some have to be built and there needs to be high wattage charging
stations along the interstates and major highways. And, another factor,
if only a small percentage are built, economy of scale won't work and
they will be quite expensive.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Mike Beem via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "EVDL Administrator" <evp...@drmm.net>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion
List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 13-May-16 2:06:31 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy
carbon) battery paper

  They are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Most of us on the EVDL have been saying this for years -- that 100
miles of
range is plenty for almost anyone.

Well stated, both of you! I definitely am ready for that 100 mile
having over the years never had more than my current 40 mile range
However, it still does carry me for more than 95% of the miles I drive
months. I do have a 3/4 ton diesel pick up truck for pulling my dump
trailer, and hauling any any loads too heavy, large or messy for the EV
Escort, but with its roof rack I have carried ladders, lumber etc. for
of what I do; and the truck generally gets driven less than 500 mile
year, so its contribution to ICE pollution is as minimal as I can make
Having now sold off or given away all of my remaining EV projects, I
that I am probably driving my last home made EV, but it still has 5 1/2
years to go to finish my experiment=can I drive a conversion EV on one
lithium pack with a total investment of $10000 for 10 years? (not
tires or brakes).
Time will tell, but so far, I have seen no degradation in range or
Michael B

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 1:45 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV <
ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

  On 13 May 2016 at 6:31, dovepa via EV wrote:

  > They are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

  Most of us on the EVDL have been saying this for years -- that 100
miles of
  range is plenty for almost anyone.

  It's true, but outside of EV hobbyists, hardly anyone believes it.
public perception is that they need range close to what they get on a
  tankful of gasoline now.

  We know that "range anxiety" is a myth.  But "journalists" keep
  it, and the public buys it.  So to them, it's real.

We can educate these folks until we drop from exhaustion and it won't
  more than a couple of their minds.   We can even have them track
  weekly mileage.  It makes no difference.

  Vehicle buyers demand long range, just in case they ever need it.
It's the
  same attitude that makes people buy huge pickup trucks and drive
clunky, awkward 18-mpg beasts year in and year out, even if they only
  something big once a year (or less).

Perception is reality. It doesn't pay to fight it. What does pay is
  people who actually buy vehicles what they need, listening to them,
  building and offering for sale an EV that meets those perceived
  and needs, whether they're real needs or not.

  David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
  EVDL Administrator

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