It's not easy to break some of this out, but a recent study in California 
showed that those that bought plug-in hybrids were less likely to plug it in as 
frequently (or at all), the lower the ZE miles were. 
Also disturbing was the fact that a Leaf owners own more cars per household, 
and seem to use ICE vehicles regularly. So we're not getting some of the 
emission reductions we anticipated.

Sent from AltaMail

 From: EVDL Administrator via EV <> To: Electric Vehicle 
Discussion List <> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Smart Car Conversion 
Kits? Date: 10/25/16, 7:35 PM

On 25 Oct 2016 at 6:22, paul dove via EV wrote: 
> Yes but was it a reliable source? 
Good question.  I saw it quoted somewhere and have been trying to trace it  
back to the source.  I hit a dead end at Looking there I find  
not the 2/3 figure, but an even worse one -- 72.5%.    
Important distinction though: the Edmunds article is referring not to just  
EVs, but also to hybrids.  Absent any further elucidation on their part, I  
take that as all types including those which don't plug in and use only  
liquid fuel (gasoline/petrol).    
They lump these all together as "alt-fuel," which is bogus unless you  
somehow consider "not coal" or "not wood" an alternative fuel.    
That puts things in a different perspective.  For your average vehicle  
buyer, it doesn't take much effort or commitment to switch to a "hybrid"  
which acts just like a conventional car except that it uses less fuel and  
doesn't idle when stopped.     
So, fuel prices have gone down, and folks who bought (probably mostly)  
Toyota Prii when fuel prices were higher are switching back to -- it turns  
out -- by and large, small SUVs.  Big deal.    
More: Edmunds doesn't cite their sources, which makes me a little suspicious  
of this number.     
So on further research and reflection I have to conclude that there's  
probably nothing much to see here.   
If you'd like to read the original article, search for "Hybrid and EV  
Loyalty Plunges Due to Low Gas Prices." 
David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA 
EVDL Administrator 
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