>   I need to know what type of generator will keep my
>  144v ( 12 / 12s ) EV system running?

Doing the math with the typical 250 Whrs per mile of a Prius, then at 60
MPh, that 250Whrs per minute or 15kWh over an hour so you need a 15 kW
generator just to cruise on level ground pusing a Prius.  For pushing a
heavier car  full of Lead-acids, not nearly as efficient as a Prius You
might need 25 to 30 kW.  And once you try to haul that around with a
priius, you will need maybe 50 kW.  And you  see you can never get
there...  such a method is just so inefficient kludge..

Just towing a little flatbed 4 foot tailer behind my prius dropped the MPG
by 10 MPG.


   I didn't buy it new, I built my own, like so many of you did several
years ago. I want to put a generator in it so I can keep going, and going,
and going.

   I don't know if a store model 8kw gen will do the job or not. Any
knowledgeable info will be appreciated.


Tom Martin

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