Excuse me, i think Bob said 50 lights, 5h, 75w so that is in the order of
20kWh, not 150.
So it is maybe twice as much as avg, not 10x.
With the 15+ kWh Bob can save with LEDs, he can drive approx 50-60 miles a

BTW, Lee, you are not alone. My daily commute is 35 mi round trip.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2018, 8:53 PM Matt Awesome via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> > My (many decades old) memory of statistics is that a standard deviation
> > assumes a Normal distribution. I suspect that the distribution of how
> many
> > light are left on in a building is a long way away from normal.
> Well you're wrong.
> The graph is smooth and continuous.
> If you want to get ultra-technical, I use the term "normally
> distributed" to be simpler and enough people are going to misconstrue
> that, but since it's not symetrical it's actually a Weibull
> Distribution (
> http://people.stern.nyu.edu/adamodar/New_Home_Page/StatFile/statdistns.htm
> , about half way down) since it's skewed left. It's skewed left since
> you can't use less than zero electricity (insignificant amounts of the
> population are net generators), but otherwise follows pretty much
> perfectly smooth and expected logarithmic curvatures, especially to
> the right on the high end.
> Here's a PDF:
> http://www.lowcarbonlivingcrc.com.au/sites/all/files/publications_file_attachments/statistical_analysis_of_driving_factors_of_residential_energy_demand_-_final.pdf
> Look at basically any of the graphs starting at page 9. They've broken
> it down 10 different ways, they all follow the same shape.
> If you hate PDFs, here is a direct link to the relevant graph:
> https://i.imgur.com/Uk5bfxo.png
> The point is that it's smooth and tapers, and how exceptionally rare
> it is for someone to be at 10x the rate of anyone else. The average on
> this graph is around 15kwh/day, look how far to the right 150wh/day
> is. Even for this massive sample size (3300 households) it's an
> immeasurably small amount of the population.
> Even the amount to the right of 4x the average (60kwh/day) is less than 1%.
> > We have this same debate every time someone mentions that the "average"
> > person drives 35 miles per day; so an EV with a 50-mile range is fine.
> But
> > everyone jumps in to say they don't know *anyone* who drives 35
> miles/day --
> > they all drive 100+miles/day, or virtually no miles most days.
> Again, that is exactly the purpose of not just looking at a blind
> average but to also look at the standard deviation (or lambda, or
> whatever is relevant for the distribution math). The thing you're
> confused about is already included in what I was saying.
> Look at the graph I linked above. That is the raw data itself, not
> just average it's the actual data. If what you're saying is true there
> would be a double-peak, one low one high. We do not see that. We see
> nice, smooth, distribution as we head to the right.
> I think that's pretty conclusive.
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