Why the electric-car revolution may take a lot longer than expected

An MIT analysis finds that steady declines in battery costs will stall in the 
next few years.
by James Temple
Nov 19, 2019

Don’t expect electric cars and trucks to get as cheap as their gas-powered 
rivals anytime soon.

A new report from the MIT Energy Initiative warns that EVs may never reach the 
same sticker price so long as they rely on lithium-ion batteries, the energy 
storage technology that powers most of today’s consumer electronics. In fact, 
it’s likely to take another decade just to eliminate the difference in the 
lifetime costs between the vehicle categories, which factors in the higher fuel 
and maintenance expenses of standard cars and trucks.

The findings sharply contradict those of other research groups, which have 
concluded that electric vehicles could achieve price parity with gas-powered 
ones in the next five years. The lingering price difference predicted by the 
MIT report could stunt the transition to lower-emission vehicles, requiring 
governments to extend subsides or enact stricter mandates to achieve the same 
adoption of EVs and cuts in climate pollution.

Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions in the US and 
fourth largest globally, so there’s no way to achieve the reductions necessary 
to avoid dangerous levels of global warming without major shifts to cleaner 
vehicles and mass transit systems.

The problem is that the steady decline in the cost of lithium-ion batteries, 
which power electric vehicles and account for about a third of their total 
cost, is likely to slow in the next few years as they approach limits set by 
the cost of raw materials.

“If you follow some of these other projections, you basically end up with the 
cost of batteries being less than the ingredients required to make it,” says 
Randall Field, executive director of the Mobility of the Future group at MIT. 
“We see that as a flaw.”

The numbers

Current lithium-ion battery packs are estimated to cost from around $175 to 
$300 per kilowatt-hour. (A typical midrange EV has a 60/kWh battery pack.)

A number of commercial and academic researchers have projected that the costs 
of such batteries will reach $100/kWh by 2025 or before, which many proclaim is 
the “magic number” where EVs and gas-fueled vehicles reach retail price parity 
without subsidies. And they would continue to fall from there.

But reaching the $100 threshold by 2030 would require material costs to remain 
flat for the next decade, during a period when global demand for lithium-ion 
batteries is expected to rise sharply, the MIT reports notes. It projects that 
costs will likely fall only to $124 per kilowatt-hour by then. At that point, 
the “total cost of ownership” between the categories would be about the same, 
given the additional fuel and maintenance costs of gas-fueled vehicles. (Where 
these lines cross precisely depends heavily on local fuel costs, among other 

But the sticker price of an EV with 200 miles of range would still run 
thousands of dollars more than a comparable gas-fueled vehicle in many areas. 
While closing the gap on total cost of ownership would be a solid step for 
electric vehicles, the average consumer is very sensitive to the upfront price 
tag—and what it equates to in monthly payments.

Costs are likely to continue to improve as, among other things, companies 
reduce the level of pricey cobalt in battery components and achieve 
manufacturing improvements as production volumes rise. But metals mining is 
already a mature process, so further declines there are likely to slow rapidly 
after 2025 as the cost of materials makes up a larger and larger portion of the 
total cost, the report finds.

Deeper cost declines beyond 2030 are likely to require shifts from the dominant 
lithium-ion chemistry today to entirely different technologies, like 
lithium-metal, solid-state and lithium-sulfur batteries. Each of these are 
still in much earlier development stages, so it’s questionable whether any will 
be able to displace lithium-ion by 2030, Field says.

Gene Berdichevsky, chief executive of anode materials maker Sila 
Nanotechnologies, agrees it will be hard for the industry to consistently break 
through the $100/kWh floor with current technology.

But he also thinks the paper discounts some of the nearer-term improvements 
we’ll see in lithium-ion batteries without full-fledged shifts to different 
chemistries. By 2030, Berdichevsky expects, battery packs will be able to store 
significantly more energy and last many more miles on the road, which can cut 
costs, improve performance, and otherwise boost the relative appeal of EVs.

Driving forward

The good news is a growing number of manufacturers around the world are moving 
into EVs, rolling out different models at different price points.

On Sunday, Ford unveiled an electric SUV set to hit showrooms next year, dubbed 
the Mustang Mach E. Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, and Tesla have all introduced 
battery-powered SUVs as well, catering to consumers’ tastes for larger vehicles.

But the MIT study notes that achieving deep reductions in transportation 
emissions will require a parallel overhaul of the electricity systems used to 
charge EVs.

Currently, US carbon emissions per mile for a battery electric vehicle are on 
average only about 45% less than those from a gas-fueled vehicle of comparable 
size. That’s because fossil fuels still generate the dominant share of 
electricity in most markets, and the manufacturing process for EVs generates 
considerably higher emissions, mainly related to the battery production.

EVs in some US regions, notably including coal states like West Virginia, could 
generate nearly the same level of emissions as standard vehicles over their 
lives. In parts of India and China with particularly dirty electricity systems, 
EVs may even generate more emissions than gas-fueled vehicles, says Emre 
Gencer, a research scientist who worked on the study.

If EVs can’t compete directly on price in the marketplace, public policy will 
need to play a larger role in driving EV adoption and cutting transportation 

The MIT study projects that the share of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids 
will rise in any scenario, reaching 33% of the global vehicle fleet by 2050 as 
prices slowly decline, even with no additional climate polices. But a strong 
set of additional regulations, including a global carbon tax set high enough to 
prevent 2 ˚C of warming, would push that figure to 50% by midcentury.

That would add up to hundreds of millions of additional low-emission vehicles 
on the roads, and prevent 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide from 
reaching the atmosphere.
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