An important point is that li-Ion batteries need to be recycled one tenth (or perhaps twentieth) as often as lead-acid. Even at the end of their life in a car, unlike lead-acid, they have life left in them for alternative uses. They slowly fade away instead of falling off a cliff.

These two facts add up to make recycling of li-ion batteries much less of a problem than you might think at first. Indeed, you should recycle, but if only 10% of the lead-acid batteries escape the recycling stream, you are ahead of the game because li-ion batteries last at least 10 times longer. Plus, lead is toxic to the environment, while little in li-ion batteries is toxic.

More to the point, lead-acid batteries are not recycled at "nearly 100%" as claimed. If you look at the numbers provided by the lead industry itself, at _least_ 30% of them escape the recycling stream.

Lead-acid batteries use 80% of all the raw lead produced every year. However, only 50% of the raw lead comes from recycled lead, the other 50% is mined. (This percentage has been constant for many years.) This means that 30% of batteries escape the recycling stream.

I suspect that the "95% recycled" number comes from the lead-acid batteries that make it through the gate of the recycling facility. It has to. If they truly reached these numbers, they wouldn't need to mine much lead at all, not 50% of what is needed.

Bill D.

On 11/21/2019 5:18 AM, Lee Hart via EV wrote:
Peri Hartman via EV wrote:
I doubt many people are recycling laptop and phone batteries.

That's because it's nearly impossible to do so. Many of the places that take small consumer batteries for recycling are not taking lithiums, due to the (real or perceived) risk of fire.

But car batteries ? I assume nearly 100% are getting repurposed, at
least after a modest amount of time. And, in the future, probably

I worry that industry won't recycle lithiums until they are *forced* to do it. As long as it's even 1 cent cheaper to buy them new, and landfill the waste, they will.


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