On 20 Nov 2019 at 3:39, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:

>  I did a little searching and the *current* average for a complete
> pack is about $200 per kWh. 

For another data point, it's 8000 Euros (about US$8800) to buy the factory 
52kWh battery for a 2020 Renault Zoe (AFAIK still Europe's largest-selling 
EV).  That's $169/kWh.  The 2019 Zoe battery was 42kWh and cost 9000 Euros 

I'm sure that at some point, lithium batteries will probably reach the stage 
that lead batteries have, where they're effectively commodities whose price 
depends mostly on that of the raw materials going into them.  I don't see a 
way to predict when that might happen.

Also, as I and others have pointed out in this thread, there are other EV 
costs besides the battery that haven't yet been significantly reduced.  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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