I agree. IMHO, Joe Six Pack will also have need of 30 to 80 amp AC EVSE stations once he catches on. For whatever reason he will sometimes need a boost to get where he is going. Last week I was visited by an engineer from our power company to Ok the two 5.6KW Grid Feed PV arrays we had just put on line. I was pleased to see he was driving their Leaf, by choice. When he drove up, I asked if he could use a boost from our CS100 ClpperCreek EVSE. He said yes. Otherwise he would have to drive out of his way to another company station to make it back.

Since 2010 We have Installed ClipperCreek EVSE units in several of our rental units, charging Teslas that travel through. When nearby Sioux Falls,SD got SuperChargers, that stopped. We cannot compete with DC.

The chicken or the egg? Presently, in agreement with your post, we are putting out a sign that promotes an EV-PV Marriage. Previously we have not advertised. Locally, there has been little interest in our Model 3 Tesla, but we try to do our part hoping that now is the time to put out the sign planting a seed and hoping it will grow.

On 2021-01-30 15:07, Lawrence Rhodes via EV wrote:
Once Joe Six Pack realizes he can DIY a solar system and buy a used
electric vehicle for well under 20K attitudes are going to change.
When car buyers realize they might not get their money's worth out of
a new gas car purchase things will start to change very fast. You
can't make your own gas or diesel and nobody will give you free
gasoline. However every tree hugger on the planet want's to give you a
free charge and you can roll your own. The green new deal is going to
surprise everyone with speed of adoption. Lawrence Rhodes....Do the
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