On 29 Jan 2021 at 11:47, Willie via EV wrote:

> VW has gone far beyond their settlement requirements.  They are showing 
> that they are serious about conversion to EVs.  GM is just talking and 
> postponing.

I'm not a VW executive, so I have no idea of their reasoning; but that could 
be partly because they're a global vehicle manufactuer, and they'd like to 
carry on with selling vehicles worldwide.  :-)

In 2019, VW sold three-quarters of its vehicles in Asia and Europe, where 
consumers and governments have made it clear that they want EVs.  Only 6% of 
their 2019 sales were in the US.

GM, on the other hand, is still primarily a US-oriented automaker.  Like 
many other automakers, they say that they think their future is in China.  
However, in 2019 they still sold more vehicles in the US (40% of their 
sales) than in China (37%).  Again, I'm not an auto industry expert, but I'd 
guess that many of the Chinese sales are more attributable to their Chinese 
automaker partners than to anything GM themselves actually did.  Please 
correct me if that's wrong.

GM still have their flag planted solidly in their US fleet of bloated, 
inefficient, high-profit trucks and SUVs.  I expect they'll waddle on that 
way for another couple of decades here in the States.

GM has no worries about Europe's 2025-2040 EV goals.  After decades of 
failure and losses, they wrote off Europe in 2017 when they sold their Opel 
and Vauxhall divisions to PSA.

But if they really think their future is in China, then they'd darn well 
better get cracking on EVs, because China wants them too.  

Just think how much more experience and worldwide "cred" GM would have with 
EVs right now if they hadn't buried NiMH, and if instead of crushing the 
EV1, they'd evolved it into something more like the Tesla S.  But they 

In 2019 Volkswagen sold 6.3 million vehicles worldwide.  GM sold 1.9 
million.  If I were an investor, I don't think I'd be buying GM stock right 
now, no matter how much they talk about their EV future.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
     My therapist told me that a great way to let go of your anger 
     is to write letters to people you hate and then burn them. I 
     did that, and I feel much better, but I'm wondering - do I 
     keep the letters?

                                                      -- Anonymous
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

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