"...the only <theoretical construct> that could possibly matter in this case would be one derived from experience and is intrinsically "realizable" through a certain methodology." You didn't say anything about idealistic. "Derived from experience" and "intrinsically realizable" sounds like the scientific method to me.


On 7/8/2011 11:25 PM, B Soroud wrote:
 Science deriving a idealistic metaphysic from experience?

 On Friday, July 8, 2011, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 7/8/2011 10:55 PM, B Soroud wrote:
>> That's what a lot of philosophers have said.  I say, "Have at
>> it!"  Let me know what you come up with.
>> In theory one could formulate a rationalist system.... but that
>> would of course be ultimately unsatisfactory...
>> The theoretical level is just a means to an end and never an end
>> in itself, and if it has no grounding in reality, especially
>> experiential-reality and instantiation, then ultimately it is
>> more or less useless.....
>> Some theoretical constructs can serve the purpose of pure
>> expediency and lenses through which to interact with the world
>> and interpret it.... some may serve to express or validate
>> certain intuitions and seductive logical possibilities.... others
>> may be mere logical constructs that have -some- substantial or
>> persuasive basis but are ultimately unverifiable or
>> indemonstrable and outside of human experience..... others may
>> serve to make sense of things and resolve certain problems but
>> don't ultimately prove anything......
>> the only one that could possibly matter in this case would be one
>> that is derived from experience and is intrinsically "realizable"
>> through a certain methodology.... and for that one would need a
>> methodology....
>> Isn't the scientific method that methodology?
>> Brent

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