On Sat, May 12, 2012  meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

 >I guess I have to draw a diagram
>                                Determined
>                                     |
>                                     |
>                  Coerced-------------------------Free
>                                     |
>                                     |
>                                  Random

Thanks but as I said I already knew that orthogonal means at right angles,
but what does "free" mean, free to do what? It means the ability to do what
you want to do. So if you're free you did what you did for a reason and
your desire was that reason. What caused you to have that particular desire
(reason) rather than another? The short answer is I don't know. Perhaps it
was your heredity or perhaps it was your environment, in either case it
would be deterministic; but maybe there was no reason at all for you to
have that particular desire, and then it would be random. One thing I do
know, it was cause for a reason or it was not caused for a reason.

> that points in all quadrants of the above diagram are possible.

No they are not because you have not defined what the "coerced-free" axes
is, or at least you have not done so in a way that is not riddled with self
contradictions. And you have most certainly not demonstrated how it, or
anything else for that matter, could be independent (or orthogonal if you
want to be pompous) of both determinism and randomness.

   John K Clark

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