We are not naturally racists, but we are biologically descended from killer 
primates. In fact Franz Waal estimated that Chimpanzees are, by society, 5-17 
times more violent than human societies-which is hard to imagine. We have 
reason to fear each other, because we often, hate, each other, and compete, 
like good, primates, for resources and females, ooh ooh!  We can beat this 
genetic expression by working together, on agreed upon projects, for agreed 
upon and desired rewards or goals. It may be building a firehouse, or working 
on desalinization. Often this can beat the devil, so to speak.

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Cc: - Roger Clough <rclo...@verizon.net>
Sent: Mon, Jul 22, 2013 2:21 pm
Subject: Re: We are all naturally racists. Political correctness is likely to 
get you killed.

On Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:03:54 AM UTC-4, Alberto G.Corona wrote:

I can not resist to say something.
THat something is innate or natural means that whatever to do with it must take 
into accout that this is innate or natural, no matter if this is morally 
positive or negative. Something natural can not be prohibited . Only can be 

Natural ignorance doesn't need to be prohibited, it can be educated into 
voluntary transcendence. It's natural to crap in our pants, but through a 
process which often requires much patience and unconditional love, even very 
young children can learn to first accept that they must participate in the 
political correctness of forced indoor plumbing use, and ultimately they may 
discover that indeed the community of anti-pants-crapping is a beneficial 
community to be a part of.


Take revenge for example. Revenge is something natural, an evolutionary 
instinct, that correspond with an evolutionarily stable strategy  intended to 
impose, in the adversary, an evil greater than the benefit it may have taken 
with his offense, making further attacks to you unworthy. That works even If 
you loose in the process of revenge a lot of effort.
Well that beyond the tribal life is deleterious for a civilized society, since 
retaliations can escalate etc. Many societies have the revenge ritualized or 
codified. Others create an institution, the justice, that judge and administer 
punishments to produce the same unworthiness of offenses, but avoid 
retaliations. So revenge by cool-blood killing an offender is punished as an 
horrible crime. 
But the law it does not punish the small retaliations in the workplace, between 
former friends, among couples in the day to day lves There is  ample set of 
aspects where retaliation is permitted while it does not cause violence. It is 
logical: It would be comic to see people going to the justice like the children 
go to their parents saying "look my brother pushed me, punish it!"
Well, with the hysteria of racism we are going in this nonsensical path. People 
want to be equally or more antiracist than the neighbor. Perhaps because people 
need to be united by some common beliefs and values, and when there is no 
belief nor values, they are fabricated, The more crazy they are, the more lies 
and half truths they imply, the more they work as elements of cohesion. See my 
other posts. 
The recently converted moral zealots of antiracism -or whatever is in fashion 
now- are scanning you. Take care 

2013/7/17 Roger Clough <rcl...@verizon.net>

Political correctness is likely to get you killed. 
We are all naturally racists. Blame it on Darwin. Zenophobia -- 
fear or dislike of outsiders--is what has allowed us to survive. 
Unfortunately the liberalized dictionaries I can find online refer
to it as "abnormal" or "irrational".  Is it abnormal to be
cautious in the presence of strangers ? The left refers to
such feelings as "politically incorrect". But I don't think it
is irrational for a mother to tell her children not to talk to strangers, 
no matter what their color.
We instinctively, for our own safety, are somewhat fearful
and unfriendly to strangers, no matter what their color. 
Jesus said to love our neighbors, but he didn't say to
go looking for strangers to love.
So IMHO political correctness is likely to get you killed.

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
See my Leibniz site at


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