
>> If most scientists in a field agree on something, I count that as evidence 
>> in favor of their position.

I don't see how it can be, the fact that scientists agree about relativity 
isn't a fact that has any information content about relativity. Its at best a 
dubious kind of 'evidence by proxy'.

>> f course that's a chicken-and-egg problem.  Physicists accepted it because 
>> it agreed with experiment.

Exactly, because it agreed with experiment. Theres nothing chicken and egg 
about it. Einstein dreamt up a theory. People treated it with general 
suspicion. It made predictions, which were confirmed by experiments. People 
began to accept the theory. At no point in this story did anyone accept things 
on consensus. And if they did, they were wrong to.

>>  No, of course not.  But I didn't repeat their calculations and measurements 
>> and neither did the deniers.

Im not suggesting people should personally repeat experiments. There is a 
difference in accepting relativity provisionally because you've read about 
Eddington's observations of light bending around the sun and accepting 
relativity because you've read that a bunch of physicists accept relativity. In 
one you have a reason to accept that relates to the phenomenon itself, in the 
other you just have this information-less consensus.

Likewise, when climate science accepters make gambits on blogs like '97% of 
scientists agree!!!' its an empty statement and should be discarded as such.

Subject: Re: If you can't disprove the science, you can always try suing
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 09:27:00 -0400

Let's agree its a real problem, but it's also an opportunity for more control. 
Or should we be good with handing control of the internet, as well, to the UN? 
What is the remediation for this problem and how long will it take to 

-----Original Message-----

From: chris peck <>

To: everything-list <>

Sent: Sun, Apr 6, 2014 7:08 pm

Subject: RE: If you can't disprove the science, you can always try suing

The real story here is that a peer reviewed journal was intimidated into 
withdrawing a paper that had passed through the proper review channels.

That the internet is full of conspiracy theory isn't news. And to the extent 
that climate science denial is correlated with beliefs in conspiracy theories, 
so is climate science acceptance. You don't have to read blog rows for long to 
see that climate science acceptors are the lackeys of communist Illuminati hell 
bent on denying the world freedom and that climate science deniers are in bed 
with the oil barons attempting in a capitalist frenzy to do pretty much the 
same thing. What gets lost on both sides is the actual science. A fact that I 
think is illustrated perfectly when climate science acceptors demand 
capitulation on the basis that 97% of climate scientists agree there is human 
caused problem. That 97% of scientists agree is an empirical fact, presumably, 
but it is also an irrelevant one. Not a single fact about the climate is true 
on the basis of a 97% agreement between scientists. Its an argument from 
authority writ large. its the kind of fact which if persuasive would have kept 
us believing the earth was flat. Yet every time I see blog rows on climate 
change it gets trotted out as if it is informative.

I think what this paper really shows is just that part and parcel of debate is 
to weave a narrative about your opponent: 'Obviously', if you are not convinced 
by my water tight arguments then there must be something wrong with you. 
Unfortunately the paper shows it by doing it. Thats not to say that it 
shouldn't have been published, it should have. But the shame is that by not 
publishing it, it has somehow earnt respect and currency.

Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2014 12:15:26 -0700



Subject: Re: If you can't disprove the science, you can always try suing

On 4/6/2014 11:36 AM, Telmo Menezes





On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 6:47 AM,
            meekerdb <>



On 4/5/2014 4:18 PM, Telmo Menezes wrote:





On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at
                          1:04 AM, meekerdb <>



On 4/5/2014 3:54 PM, Telmo Menezes


                                Sure, I also
                                  find it quite likely that powerful
                                  fossil fuel companies are lobbying or
                                  using even dirtier tricks to discredit
                                  AGW theory. On the other hand, this
                                  says nothing about the truth status of
                                  AGW theory.


                              Doesn't it?  If it weren't
                                true, then dirty tricks wouldn't be
                                needed to discredit it, would they?  It
                                could be discredited like the flat
                                earth, creationism, and
                                cigarettes-are-good-for-you theories.




If that was true, the world would be free
                            from religious superstition 






                So do you classify religion as a conspiracy?  Do you
                think clergy are really all atheists and are just
                conspiring to fool others?




I subscribe Bruno's and Kim's replies.



But this is besides the point here. You claimed that,
              if AGW was false, then oil companies would only need to
              falsify the models to affect political change. If that
              were true, then it wouldn't be the case that the majority
              of the world population is religious, because most
              religious claims are trivially and publicly falsified by
              the many fields of modern science, from cosmology to






    Religions make vague claims which are 'interpreted' and so cannot be
    falsified - notice that even Bruno believes in a God and refers to
    angels (of course he 'interprets' them very differently).  But the
    oil companies don't offer any corrections to the absorbtion spectrum
    of CO2 or the insolation power or the measurements of
    temperature...  They just attempt to obfuscate the problem of
    climate prediction by pointing to minor gaps in knowledge and
    saying, "What about THIS?": Maybe cosmic rays make clouds.  Why is
    the stratosphere cooler in the equatorial zone?  Maybe weather
    stations have been moved.  Didn't temperatures rise before CO2 did
    in prehistoric times? ...





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