On 4/8/2014 4:44 AM, chris peck wrote:
>> Oh, when it suits your prejudice it's OK to just count votes. You suddenly no longer need to read the papers and decide for yourself.

Eh? Why the sour face? I thought you'ld be cracking open the champagne. There's no consensus. I give you perhaps the best news in history, ever, and you're just sour about it! You're not suggesting we ought to read about the science and think for ourselves are you?! What a drag!

Not at all. Have you read the peer reviewed papers that the IPCC cites? I've read a lot of them.

Seriously though, how come this 97% figure is presented by climate change acceptors as a consensus about the catastrophic effect global warming will have when it isn't one?

Show me a quote where is it presented that way. The actual statement is 97% of climate scientists believe that the Earth is getting hotter and it's due to burning fossil fuel.

Do they even know that the figure represents just those scientist who agree climate change is happening? Do they know it doesn't reflect the amount of scientists who think the change is caused by humans? They certainly don't know that less than 50% of scientists think the effect of warming would be catastrophic otherwise that figure would enter into their discourse, or would it? I suspect the temptation to keep a bit silent about what a shocking figure like 97% really represents is overwhelming. A little white lie and so on, an economy with the truth etc.

No one has said it would be catastrophic, as in threaten extinction of humans. They have said it will be very economically and socially disruptive and produce major changes in agriculture and in natural food and water sources.

In actual fact I think all these figures are bullshit. Listening to what the scientists actually have to say is exactly what people should do, even congressmen, rather than close ones ears to everything except easily digestible and neatly misrepresentable figures.

So why don't you listen?


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