On Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:32:19 AM UTC-4, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> <whats...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
> On Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:24:03 PM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> We know that we cannot make our legs stand by arguing with them or proving 
> that standing can occur, we must exercise direct sensory-motive 
> participation and move our legs by ourselves.
> and   
> just assume this if you want, but your phenomenology does not need   
> this. Comp mighty be false, but you need far better argument, 
> You demand that the subtlest, most delicate truth in the universe kneel 
> down to the vending machine of comp and bash it open with a brick. That's 
> not the way that it works. The machine gets nothing from me. Not a single 
> coin. I know that it has nothing without our patronage, and gives nothing 
> back but its own mindless rules, empty images, plastic music, and rude 
> interventions.
> and for   
> this much more humility and study the worlds of many others and the   
> training in "scientific" argumentation. 
> There is little humility in comp. I see it as an ideology which feigns 
> politeness but actually buries consciousness alive.
> Rhetoric.
> You can answer this, but in my reply, I will just say if I see or not an 
> argument.
> Can sense not be allowed to represent itself in your court of argument?
> How about: can't you see this isn't going anywhere? Bruno is repeating 
> himself, while you enjoy, as the only one here, your own rhetoric 
> variations, repeating the same content and biases over and over in 
> linguistic strings, with only minor differences in use of metaphor and 
> empty, albeit sometimes amusing expressions and figures of speech, that 
> don't constitute a serious argument or proposal of ontology framing your 
> ideas on "sense".

Being the only one here doesn't bother me (even if it did, there are others 
not on this list who understand my ideas), and I don't care that what I'm 
saying doesn't fulfill your expectations of 'going anywhere'.  As long as 
others can see the conversations, they can judge who is putting together a 
new idea of consciousness, physics, and information, and who is resisting 
it based on bias. The conversation is a commercial for the ideas being 
discussed even if one side does not recapitulate to the other.

> Your zeal in seeking validation from Bruno by presenting yourself "as his 
> equal confronting him", mirrors perhaps the doubt you have concerning your 
> own thoughts, which is good indication of your intention to seek and test, 
> because why else would you seek this validation? 

I'm not seeking validation, I'm seeking an awakening to a new idea - either 
for Bruno or someone else.

> Then again, we are all each other's equals, so why force this with monster 
> discussions of details of details, when we know the outcome:

Discussing the details yields new examples, new connections, etc.

> you will not consider comp as possibility or example and improvise 
> linguistic tricks for the problems that come up in the edifice of your work 
> on logical and mathematical levels, by putting aesthetics on a pedestal, 
> which is also unconvincing as of today. 

If you put logical and mathematical levels on a pedestal, then the 
aesthetic is undervalued proportionately. Your bias is exactly what my view 

> Instead of taking the problems, criticisms arising here as some personal 
> thing, take what you can learn or leave it; your work needs to overcome its 
> limits and problems, and you won't get it done by forcing anybody here, 
> including Bruno, to spoon feed you. 

How am I forcing Bruno to do anything, much less spoon feed me? I'm not 
looking for input from Bruno, I'm looking to explain why comp ultimately 
fails and how it can be inverted to find a new solution that makes more 

> Craig
> <blockquote class="gmail_quote" s
> ...

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