On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 2:03 AM, Pierz <pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just came across this presentation:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEaecUuEqfc
> It's a bit long, but I'd be interested to hear anyone's thoughts who is
> knowledgeable on QM. I don't follow the maths, but I kind of got the gist.
> What intrigued me was his interpretation of QM and I'm wondering if anyone
> can throw any more light on it. He makes a lot of jumps which are obviously
> clear in his mind but hard to follow. He says that MWI is supportable by
> the maths, but that he prefers a "zero universes" interpretation, according
> to which we are classical simulations in a quantum computer. I'm not sure I
> follow this. I mean, I can follow the idea of being a classical simulation
> in a quantum computer, but I can't see how this is different from MWI,
> except by the manoeuvre of declaring other universes to be unreal because
> they can never practically interact with 'our' branch. I guess what
> interested me was the possibility of a coherent alternative to MWI (because
> frankly MWI scares the willies out of me), but in spite of what he said, I
> couldn't see what it was...

Thanks Pierz, I really enjoyed this talk. Maybe because of the speaker's
background in computer science, I feel he speaks my language more than the
"real" physicists.

My naive impression, also influenced by Bruno's comp, is like you say that
I don't see the difference between MWI and "zero universes". I tend to
think that the worlds in MWI are the first-person views, and that there is
only one mind, ultimately.

On the other hand, I heard about the "transactional interpretation of QM"
for the first time, which is also intriguing.


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              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... 'Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>' via Everything List
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... meekerdb
              • ... 'Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>' via Everything List
              • ... LizR
              • ... David Nyman
              • ... LizR
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... meekerdb
  • Re: ... Telmo Menezes

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