On 23 April 2014 17:25, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

Samuel Clemens? Was is not Mark Twain? I missed a post perhaps.

Same guy, different name.


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              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... meekerdb
              • ... LizR
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... 'Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>' via Everything List
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... meekerdb
              • ... 'Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>' via Everything List
              • ... LizR
              • ... David Nyman
              • ... LizR
              • ... Bruno Marchal
              • ... meekerdb
  • Re: ... Telmo Menezes

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