On 16 Jun 2014, at 1:14 am, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> That guy was Edward de Bono. He was the first one to say that intelligence 
>> is the horsepower of the car whereas thinking ability is the skill with 
>> which the car is driven.
> If that's Edward de Bono's "theory" of intelligence then he might be able to 
> get a job in a fortune cookie factory but not at Google or Apple or 
> Microsoft, it explains nothing about why some things are intelligent and some 
> things are not, it doesn't say a word about how intelligence actually works. 
> And that's why Mr. de Bono is not a trillionaire. When a person (or more 
> likely a machine) comes up with a good theory of intelligence YOU WILL KNOW, 
> probably in just a matter of hours.



De Bono was not theorist, that is true. He merely worked with intelligence and 
showed how thinking ability can be hoisted up to more effective levels despite 
intelligence or IQ as educators refer to it, IQ being one of the favourite 
Aristotelian boxes into which people are dumped, forever to sink deeper. What 
makes a human intelligent is CREATIVITY and that is by now well understood and 
no, machines (the human constructed ones) cannot do that yet. Nobody ever 
understands what creativity is about who does not separate perception from 
thinking. I asked de Bono in 2012 if he felt it were possible that one day 
machines would actually think, according to his definition of true thinking, 
which involves a studied use of creativity. His response was "only if they are 
allowed to do their own perception otherwise they will only be zombies."


You don't need to have a theory of intelligence in order to use one, any more 
than you need to know how to tune a piano in order to know how to play one or 
understand the workings of a combustion engine to know how to drive a car. 
There is less of a need to have a theory of intelligence than there is a need 
for people to act intelligently. Someone can be plain daft and still show 
excellent thinking skills. There are many examples of those who made good with 
absolutely no chance at all in the IQ stakes.


You don't have to worry about the size of your dick as long as you know how to 
use what you've been born with. Size may matter in some arcane respect but 
skill at use is what counts. The person who ultimately comes to possess a 
"winning theory of intelligence" may well be Mary Bloggs of Blainey who has no 
university education, was home-schooled and who cannot even complete a simple 
crossword, yet her perceptual ability outstrips a Nobel Laureate.


Apart from that, I would say that a way to understand the workings of 
intelligence is to simply say that this is the speed factor involved in 


You will in all probability say that this is wrong or inadequate. Why should 
today be different.


 Some people have fast, powerful minds, others do not. The ones who don't have 
the V8 engines upstairs tend to be the ones who exercise caution and think 
slowly. You might have a lousy IQ but you can still succeed in life if you use 
what you've got and practise thinking. Machines, when and if they ever get an 
intelligence, will have precisely this issue to deal with as well. 


Intelligence is not the main issue. We've all got one but what we do not yet 
adequately understand is what makes a PERSON. For my money that has something 
to do with Comp.


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