On 29 Jun 2014, at 19:24, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> >> I care about the notion behind. Call it the "ONE"

>> Let's call it the "BULLSHIT".

> Why not. But it can be confusing.

I don't see how "THE BULLSHIT" is more confusing than "THE ONE".

By the common sense of the world, the term "the one" fits better the intended *monism* of the theory proposed.

Theological monotheism is a cousin of of the metaphysical monism.

"Bullshit" invokes only insult.

> It looks like according to you we just have no right to raise doubts on the Aristotelian Primary Matter notion.

Why in hell do we keep talking about ancient ignoramuses like Plotinus and the worst physicist who ever lived, Aristotle?

Aristotle was a brilliant physicist. Indeed, his word initiates physics.

That his theories were all refuted has nothing to do with that.

Then, as we have not solved the mind-body problem, we have to be open to many possibilities and changes of mind.

Also, Aristotle conception of his primary matter is actually the one that Plotinus used, and that we recover from computationalism. But I don't expect you to get this at this stage. Aristotle is the first to define "matter" by what is indeterminate, notably. Platon understand the need of a "bastard calculus", as Plotinus grasped too.

In neoplatonism, we can say, roughly, that God did not create matter, but matter is God's limitation, or limit. It is where God loses control.

Look, you treat current theology as bullshit, but you keep defending the one of today, when it is lcear, when you study history, that the freedom of though (the minimum needed to do science) in theology has been repressed more or less since 523 after J. So it is not so astonishing that we can find a lot of interesting debate among the theologians before the 'madness/fairy-tales" get imposed to us.

> PS I think I will come back to the term "god" as it is less confusing than "bullshit", to refer to the unknown cause or reason of why we are here.

So these are the properties of God:

1) God does not  answer prayers.

How do you know that?

By the way, it might be possible that with comp, you can't pray God. It could already be a blaspheme. God gives only if you don't ask, apparently.

2) God is not omnipotent.

Well, "omnipotence" is self-contradictory.

3) God  is not omniscient.

With comp, God is 3p first order omniscient, and he knows a lot of the higher order, but can't be omniscient. I agree with Grim that "omniscience" is also self-contradictory.

4) God is not intelligent.

How do you know that?

5) God is not conscious.

With comp (+ classical epistemology), this is subtle. God, the ONE, arithmetical truth splits into the 3p outer realm, for which the "conscious" adjective might not make sense. But then through all universal numbers, filtered by the truth, that "one" defines the first person, the "you" which has no name, and which seems to play the role of the third God of the greeks: the universal soul.

That is the inner god that, according to the mystic, you can awaken through variate technics.

6) God has nothing to do with morality.

I think it has to do. That is probablmy the act of faith of the Platonist, that God is Good, and that it makes it possible for us to be attracted by the good and detracted by the bad.

Anyway, this depend on the theology. With comp, truth is good, because falsity leads to your non existence, in many ways.

But morality and all Protagorean virtue can only be taught by "you" examples, and can only be perverted when being patronized.

7) God is not a being at all just some sort of vague undefined principle.

It is responsible for the whole being, and usually, does not belong to its "created" realm. It is not nameable, and has quite "fuzzy" border, when "known" from the inner god views.

God is a bit of the standard model (in the logician sense). No (rich) theory at all can prove the existence of a model of itself, as this would be a proof of self-consistency, and that is forbidden by the second theorem of completeness. This does not prevent such theories to get some good approximation, and even to prove theorems about that "thing" (depsite being unnameable. Peano Arithmetic cannot define V, the set of arithmetical true propositions, but still can define somehow the singleton {V}. Askanas showed that PA can prove its own Tarski theorem, with naming the truth that, by that theorem, it cannot ascribe a name.

That sure doesn't leave much stuff for God to do,

Here you are infinitely to much quick, I'm afraid.

so it shouldn't bother us very much that even that wimpy anemic low rent sort of God may not exist; there may be no cause for the universe, there may be no reason there is something rather than nothing, there may be no ultimate reason we exist.

You are right. May be. But also, may be not.

It is just a question of personal taste to be interested in the fundamental questions. To prevent research on this, because you think that *may be* we will find nothing is just not rational.

Just say that you are not interested in the after-life question, and that's OK. But if you say that such question are meaningless, that means you have already your religion on this. In science, it always depends on what you assume, and you have to justify anything you say.


  John K Clark

  John K Clark

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