On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 06:09:56PM -0700, meekerdb wrote:
> On 9/18/2014 5:46 PM, Russell Standish wrote:
> >Consciousness has a state (which we call the
> >observer moment). If that state differs, then the state of the
> >supervened must also differ.
> >
> >Thus consciousness cannot supervene on the UD* as it doesn't change
> >for a change of state of consciousness.
> This seems to me to arise from equivocation about "consciousness".
> You are treating it, as I experience it, as a temporal phenomenon -
> a succession of thoughts, an inner narrative.  That's the
> consciousness I'd like to be able to program/engineer/understand.
> But Bruno make's consciousness a potentiality of an axiomatic
> system, for which he seems almost everything alive as a model (in
> the mathematical sense), anything that could instantiate an
> "if-then"  or a "controlled-controlled-not".  And he says that
> salvia makes him think consciousness need not be temporal - which
> might be like whiskey sometimes makes me think the ground sways.

Even if considered as a block atemporal phenomenon, it is still a
succession of states that supevene on a sequence of states of the
supervened on. To consider it as something else evacuates the concept
of consiousness, which must be about seeing something, not everything.

I have no problem in assuming that a sequence of conscious states may
supervene on a program (running or not), and that a different program
running through the same sequence of states (eg the replay of a
recording) may well not correspond to a conscious state.

But the UD, whilst running every program, is not passing through the
sequence of states in the same order as the original program. And as I point
out, a different conscious experience will not result in a change to
the UD calculation. To state that conscious still supervenes on the UD
does violence to the definition of supervenience we are using.

> From Bruno's viewpoint the UD* just IS and Alice's different
> thoughts as different times are just computations of those thoughts
> which are correlated with computations of those times.  That may
> resolve the atemporal UD vs the temporal experience, but it still
> doesn't explain consciousness.  It doesn't explain what computations
> of Alice's are constitute her consciousness as opposed to her
> subconsciousness or her brain functions or other stuff going on. It
> is not an answer to say, well maybe everything in conscious.



Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

 Latest project: The Amoeba's Secret 

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