On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> As I've said no natural phenomenon has ever been found where nature must
>> solve a NP-hard problem
> > To solve it exactly?

Obviously exactly.

> swarm of ants solves efficaciously NP complete problem, like the
> traveling salesman problem.

It's not hard to find a pretty good solution to the traveling salesman
problem, but it's next to impossible to find the perfect one unless the
number of cities is very small, impossible for us, for our computers, for
ants, and for nature in general.

> I think some soap film solves some NP problem too,

No they do not. As I pointed out before if you assume that soap films make
use of Real Numbers then yes, soap films can solve a NP problem, but when
the experimental is actually performed it fails to even come close to doing
so. I'll now repeat what I said before.

Scott Aaronson actually tried it and this is what he reports:

"Taking two glass plates with pegs between them, and dipping the resulting
contraption into a tub of soapy water. The idea is that the soap bubbles
that form between the pegs should trace out the minimum Steiner tree — that
is, the minimum total length of line segments connecting the pegs, where
the segments can meet at points other than the pegs themselves. Now, this
is known to be an NP-hard optimization problem. So, it looks like Nature is
solving NP-hard problems in polynomial time!

Long story short, I went to the hardware store, bought some glass plates,
liquid soap, etc., and found that, while Nature does often find a minimum
Steiner tree with 4 or 5 pegs, it tends to get stuck at local optima with
larger numbers of pegs. Indeed, often the soap bubbles settle down to a
configuration which is not even a tree (i.e. contains “cycles of soap”),
and thus provably can’t be optimal.

The situation is similar for protein folding. Again, people have said that
Nature seems to be solving an NP-hard optimization problem in every cell of
your body, by letting the proteins fold into their minimum-energy
configurations. But there are two problems with this claim. The first
problem is that proteins, just like soap bubbles, sometimes get stuck in
suboptimal configurations — indeed, it’s believed that’s exactly what
happens with Mad Cow Disease. The second problem is that, to the extent
that proteins do usually fold into their optimal configurations, there’s an
obvious reason why they would: natural selection! If there were a protein
that could only be folded by proving the Riemann Hypothesis, the gene that
coded for it would quickly get weeded out of the gene pool."

By the way I just finished reading Scott Aaronson's book "Quantum Computing
since Democritus" and it's excellent.

  John K Clark

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