On 28 Sep 2015, at 18:21, John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
​>​>>​ ​If you prove the existence of something in something else, you have that something,

​​>> ​Euclid proved 2500 years ago that there are infinitely many primes, so if what you say above is true you must have the 423rd prime greater than 10^100^100.

​> ​Now you equate existence with constructive existence,

​What the hell? You're the one that is equating those two things not me! I don't want you to answer the question "does the 423rd prime number greater than 10^100^100 exist?", I want you to tell me the answer to a completely different question, "what is the 423rd prime number greater than 10^100^100?".

So you are asking me a constructive existence of such a number, and even a consturctive in a not well defined physical sense.

But Computationalism, is at the start classical, not intutionist nor constructive. Some brnch of computer science are necessarily non constructive, and eventually we rediscover this in the epistemology of the machine.

The question was: does computation (in the original standard sense of Turing's or Church's definition of computability, using the intensional Church thesis (which says that not only all universal machines compute the same class of functions, but all universal machines can emulate all universal machine, that is, all universal machine can imitate exactly all digital processes starting from finite conditions (relatively or not to some oracle).

And the answer I gave was: I can prove (in RA, or let a theorem prover of RA prove ...) the existence of the terminating computations, and of all the segments of the infinite computations.

This entails in particular that the computations are all emulated, or realized, in or by the usual "standard model" or arithmetic (N, 0, +, x) taught in high school.

So the relative computations, the sigma_1 arithmetical relations, exist in the usual 3p sense of asserting, for example, that the prime numbers, including those greater 100^(100^100).

Such existence should not be confuse with a stronger feasible existence (in which case we ask for an algorithm generating the existing object + the constraint to present it in some reasonable delay). Nor, should that existence be confused with some notion of physical existence, especially in a context where we want explain the physical by something non-physical.

And to figure out what that number is and answer my question you are going to have perform a calculation. And to do that you are going to have to use matter that obeys the laws of physics. And there may not be enough matter in existence to do it. And if there isn't then the question "what is the 423rd prime number greater than 10^100^100?" is unanswerable.

I use computation is the mathematical sense of Alonzo Church, Emil Post, Stephen Kleene, Alan Turing, Matiyazevic, etc.

​>​>> ​ ​indeed a universal machine cannot distinguihs a physical computation from a non physical one,

​​>> ​I know, and that lack of ability is yet another example of something a non-physical machine can't do that a physical machine can.​ A physical machine, such as myself, has no difficulty whatsoever in making that distinction.

​> ​Then you have magical abilities not shared by any Turing machine, physical or non physical.


​> ​Please don't confuse the computation with anything we use to represent and communicate about that computation.

​Gibberish. ​

​>> ​so just use ​immaterial computation to find ​the 423rd prime greater than 10^100^100​ and tell me what it is and you have won this argument. How hard can that be?​

​> ​Just define what *you* mean by "physical computation"

​It means computation using physics.

Computation in which sense? If it is the Turing sense, then that exist in arithmetic.

If by using physics you mean that there exist something which select one computation to make it more real, then that is using a god-of-the- gap to prevent the searching of a solution of the mind-body problem in the computationalist frame.

Bruno, couldn't you have figured that out by yourself? ​Did you really need my help?

I figure that out since long, I mean ... that you restrict the standard sense of computation to their possible realization in the physical reality.

The problem is that you give the impression that you believe that computation does not exist in, or be emulated by, arithmetic. That has nothing to do with the question of the feasibility or of the physical realisability, especially in the context of the computational or digital thesis in philosophy of mind-matter.

Then I exploit the fact that sigma_1 complete provability is equivalent with universal computability. And I interview machines having enough introspection power (in the standard Gödel sense) to know (in a technical sense) that they are sigma_1 complete (they prove p -> []p for all p sigma_1).

You have agreed that consciousness is not something localized somewhere, and indeed, there is an infinity of computations (that is running universal machines) accessing your state in arithmetic, and we have to justify the appearance of local histories/computations from that.

Saying that there is a physical universe doing that is no better than saying God made it.

Note that saying that there is a physical universe doing that *might* be the correct theory if it is provided with an explanation of how it makes that selection possible. But without making the mind using special actual infinities, that explanation has to be deducible by the self-introspecting machine betting on computationalism, if computationalism is correct.

Indeed, using the modal tools of the logic of self-reference, we recover diverse nuance of the physicalness with the logics []p & p, []p & <>t, []p & <>t & p, with p restricted to the sigma_1 sentences. Those nuances varies on quantum logics and intuitionistic quantum logics. They provide arithmetical quantizations in a sense coming from the modal logical analysis of quantum logic (Golblatt, Rawling and Selesnick, Dalla Chiara, etc.). (Not to be confuse with van Fraessen Modal interpretation of QM).


  John K Clark

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