On 29/07/2016 12:32 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 7/28/2016 6:55 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 29/07/2016 5:56 am, John Clark wrote:

​ is correct then everything about "you" can be duplicated as long at the atoms have the correct position and velocity, not almost everything, not everything except for the 1-view, EVERYTHING! If the machine can't do that then
​ is wrong, ​but you can't just assume
​ can't do something (like duplicate the 1-view pov) and then claim you've proven something about computationalism.

​Except that you have provided no evidence that it is not true, you just assume it's not true ( by assuming "
The duplicating machine never duplicates the 1-view from the 1-view pov
​ ") and then a few steps later claim to have proven something.​

That is an interesting point. If I have understood Bruno correctly, his claim is that by computationalism, 'you' are the sum over all computations passing through your conscious state, or something similar. Consequently, if 'you' are duplicated in complete detail, then you have nothing more than yet another computation that passes through your conscious state, so there can be only one consciousness!

The fact that these duplicates might see different cities becomes irrelevant because other computations that pass through my current conscious state might correspond to computations relevant to other cities, universes, or whatever (physics is only the 'statistics' over such multiple computations). After the duplication, there is still only one consciousness, albeit in a divided body. So the one consciousness does see both cities at once. This possibility cannot be ruled out /a priori/ -- that might in fact be the result of such a duplication experiment. I think this is a question that can only be resolved empirically -- produce a person duplicating machine and see what happens!

Computationalism must entail that running the same computation twice necessarily produces (numerically) the same consciousness, so, despite what Bruno claims, entirely faithful duplication of a person does not produce another consciousness (or another 1-view from the 3p perspective),

It's not the duplication that is supposed to produce another person, it's the divergence of experiences, and perhaps also physics that is below or indirectly related conscious experience. This is what makes you a different person from who you were in the past.

That is one of the paradoxical aspects of duplication -- the duplicates become different persons because of the divergence of experience. But, by the same token, their experiences differ from the original, so how come they can be said to be the same person as the original? Personal identity through time seems to be related to psychological continuity; the two (divergent) duplicates are both psychologically continuous with the original, so both are the original person. Such considerations led some, such as Parfit, to question whether personal identity was all that important, considering 'survival' to be a more significant consideration. Survival as in psychological continuity. So one could 'survive' as several. But then, is one psychologically continuous with oneself as a foetus?

But I agree that it might not be the case empirically. Bruno, based on his experimentation with salvia, seems to think there is some essence or soul of Bruno which is indepedent of his memories and hence of his past experience. If it's independent of experience then it can't be bifurcated by experience.

That seems to be a perilously dualist position. Experience seems to be important to personhood.



it merely increases the chances that the one consciousness survives in an uncertain world. (The one consciousness may inhabit two physical bodies, but computationalism claims that it is the computation that constitutes consciousness, not the physical location, substrate, or number of copies of that computation.)


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