I think Russell is just saying we take it as an added axiom/assumption that the duplicated brain/bodies must have separate consciousnesses at least as soon as they have different perceptions. This is exactly what you would predict from supposing that consciousness is a product of physical processes in the brain - something that is supported by lots and lots of evidence.

I don't think this does much to invalidate Bruno's argument. He just wants to show that the physical is derivative, not that it's irrelevant.


On 8/8/2016 4:06 AM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 8/08/2016 8:38 pm, Russell Standish wrote:
On Sun, Aug 07, 2016 at 09:24:31AM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
However, still no justification has been given for the assumption
that the duplicated consciousness differentiates on different
inputs. And consciousness is what computationalism is supposed to be
giving an account of.

Obviously different inputs does not entail the differentiation of

In duplication there is still only one consciousness: and as you say, different inputs do not entail the differentiation of a single consciousness (associated with a single brain/body). So why would it be different if the body were also duplicated?

However computational supervenience does imply the
opposite: differentiated consciousness entails a difference in

There is no difficulty in understanding that differentiated consciousness entails different persons, who may or may not experience different inputs, but I doubt that differentiation of consciousness necessarily entails different inputs - two people can experience the same stimuli.

In the W/M experiment we are asked to suppose that the
duplicated persons do, in fact, notice that they've been teleported to
a different city, and recognise where they they've been teleported to.

There is no difficulty in accepting that there is consciousness of two cities, but is that one consciousness, or two? You beg the question by referring to plural 'persons'.


Ie, W/M is a difference that makes a difference.


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