On 03 Jan 2017, at 21:52, John Clark wrote:

​I agree, and yet bizarrely whenever I say matter is always needed to make a ​calculation you keep pointing out this textbook or that textbook in an effort to prove me wrong.

because those textbook explain what is a computation, without assuming anything physical, that is without primary matter notions. Of course they assumes books and matter to convey their idea, but that is at another level, and it is agnostic on the primary character of matter.

I don't get it. If you really want to prove me wrong start your own computer company and put INTEL out of business with your zero manufacturing costs.

That is a variant of the knocking down of the Aristolelian dogmatic believer.

"The hell with the antic greeks" was also the motto of the catholic teachers I met. The tabula rasa on theology is where gnostic atheists and institutionalized religious fundamentalist match perfectly.

Genuine (agnostic) atheists love my work because they know that a coming back of reason in religion is what piss of the clericals and the dogmatic the most.


Only bad faith fear reason.
Only bad reasons fear faith.


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