On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>

> Legalese my ass. If you claim to have a scientific theory you should be
>> able
>> > to clearly explain it without circularity and do it with AT LEAST as
>> little
>> > ambiguity as a lawyer can argue his case at the Supreme Court. The
>> entire
>> > point of Bruno's paper is to explore the relationship between the
>> > first-person experience and the third-person, and yet on page 1 he
>> already
>> > throws around a word like "you" as if the matter has already been
>> settled,
>> > even when "you" is about to walk into a "you" duplicating machine.
>> Bruno is
>> > starting with the very thing he's trying to prove, from page 1 line 1
>> Bruno
>> > is assuming the "you" duplicating machine can't really duplicate
>> > about "you" only some of the things.
> ​> ​
> My understanding of Bruno's article is that he is proving the
> ​ ​
> following: IF
> ​ ​
> computationalism is true, THEN physicalism is false.

​It doesn't matter what Bruno is trying to prove, if "you" is about to walk
into a "you" duplicating machine then the question "after you walk into a
you duplicating machine what one and only one city will you end up seeing?"
is just a stupid question.

> ​> ​
> Computationalism: the hypothesis that mind is a computation;

​, and​
I think Computationalism
​ is true.​

​> ​
>  if computationalism is true then matter supervenes on mind, and not the
> other way around.

​I don't know what you're talking about, "s
​ is just a very pompous word for "​occurs later". Computations need
matter, so if
computationalism is true then matter had to come before mind.

> ​>​
> Physicalism: the hypothesis that everything (including mind)
> ​ ​
> supervenes on physical matter.

​That depends entirely on what occurs later on physical matter means. I do
know that Physicalism means the real world is the physical world; and "the
real world" is the stuff that will continue to exist even if I don't
believe in it. Physicalism is probably true because the moon will probably
continue to exist even when I'm not thinking about it.

​> ​
> We don't know if computationalism is true
> ​.​

​Oh I think we do know it's true, or at least we do if mind is equivalent
​to intelligence. Nobody will ever be able to prove or disprove if
​ (or any other theory) ​is true for consciousness too, but I'm just going
to assume it is true because I could not function if I really believed I
was the only conscious being in the universe.

​> ​
> Ambiguity around personal identity, for the purpose of this proof
> ​ [...]​

​I'll say it again, it doesn't matter what the
​ is, in a proof or even a coherent sentence a ambiguous term can't be used
with the expectation of proving something.
And tell me
​, why ​do you suppose Bruno absolutely refuses to stop using personal
pronouns despite me complaining about it for years; if he's really onto
something why doesn't he shut me down simply by using the referent instead
of the pronoun? Because then there would be no place to hide the logical
flaws of the theory.

And by the way,  asking what city "*THE* 1-p" will see is just as stupid a
question if *THE* 1-p is about to walk into a 1-p duplicating machine.

> ​> ​[...]
> is
> ​ ​
> removed with the device of the diaries.

Tell me how.  You wrote the diary and the person who wrote the diary has
the name "you", but two people walked out of that machine and then they
diverged as soon as they saw different cities, which one wrote the diary?
And that's not even the worst problem. Personal identity is established
with memory and looking back into the past, not by looking forward with
expectations of the future. I subjectively feel that I am John Clark of
yesterday because I remember being him yesterday; I have expectations of
what tomorrow will be like but my expectations could be wrong, they often
are, but I'll still feel like John Clark if I can remember being John Clark

​> ​
> Bruno never suggests that, at the moment of duplication, there is
> ​ ​
> anything that is not copied.

​Then why is one something called "the 3p you" and the other is "the 1p

> ​> ​
> The differences start when the copies are exposed
> ​ ​
> to different environments,

​I agree. So who is the Moscow man? The man who saw Moscow. Who is the
Washington man? The man who saw Washington. Who is the Helsinki man?​

​The man who saw Helsinki.
Is the Moscow man the
​ Helsinki man? Yes. Is the Washington man the ​Helsinki man? Yes.
Is the Moscow man the Washington man? No.​

​> ​
> 1-p is the first person perspective of reality.

​And that's the problem right there. In a world that contains 1-p
duplicating machines why on earth did you use the word "the"? When 2 people
walk out of that machine which one has "
​*the* ​
first person perspective of reality

​> >​
>> Bruno assumes that there is some mysterious thing called "1-p you" that
>> ​ ​
>> can't be duplicated, the "1-p you" is of course just a euphemism for
>> "soul".
> ​> ​
> If you don't know what
> ​ ​
> this is, then you're either a zombie or you're truly crazy.

​I'm not a zombie and I'm not crazy and I do know what "you" means, the
trouble is the guy who looks just like me and walked out of the you
duplicating machine at the same time I did is also not a zombie is not
crazy and has as clear a understanding of what "you" means​ as I do . So
which ONE of us has "*THE* 1-p you"?

​> ​
> Forget Bruno. Have you read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"?

​Not in the original Greek.​

but this is a well-defined though experiment. Does it go wrong
> ​ ​
> somewhere?

​No. So what?​

​> ​
> Another 10 minutes wasted.

Perhaps ​your time would have been better spent looking for that mysterious
post of Bruno's that I've been hearing about for years, the one I somehow
never saw that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that I am wrong.​ I
really want to see that post, it's legendary!

 John K Clark

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