On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 6:38 AM, David Nyman <da...@davidnyman.com> wrote:

​> ​
> I've been thinking a bit about physical supervenience in the
> computationalist context and have come to the conclusion that I don't
> really understand it.

If X superveniens Y then there can NOT be a change in X without a change in
Y; but if you changed mathematics (by changing one of the fundamental
axioms for example) it would not change the physical world, therefore
mathematics can not supervene physics. Furthermore it is physics that
rescues us from paradox that mathematics alone would otherwise produce.

Suppose you had a lamp and made it flash in a Zeno like manner, it was on
for one minute, off for 30 seconds, on for 15 sec and so on, after 2
minutes would the lamp be on or off? It can't be off because on ALWAYS
follows off, and it can't be on because off ALWAYS follows on.

Or suppose you had a infinite number of balls each with a unique integer
printed on it and decided to place all of them in a box in a accelerated
Zeno way. In step 1 (which takes one minute) you place balls 1 through 10
in the box but remove ball 1, in step 2 (which takes half as long as step
1) you place balls 11 through 20 in the box but remove ball 2,  in step 3
(which takes half as long as step 2) you place balls 21 through 30 in the
box but remove ball 3 etc . At the end of 2 minutes how many balls are in
the box? If might seem that there are a infinite many since each step adds
9 balls (10-1=9) and there are a infinite number of steps, but for any
integer you care to name I can name the step where that integer was
removed; one was removed at step 1, 10 was removed at step 10, a trillion
was removed at step trillion and so on. So the number of balls grows
without limit during the task but after it is completed there are no balls
in the box at all. Zero.

In what would seem to be a slight variation on the previous procedure lets
add 9 balls in each step just as we did before, in step 1 we put in balls 1
through 9 but this time we write a zero after the 1 on ball number 1 with a
magic marker. In step 2 we put in balls 11 through 19 and draw a zero after
the 2 on ball number 2. In step 3  we put in balls 21 through 29 and draw a
zero after the 3 on ball number 3 etc. Now at the end of 2 minutes it is
revealed that the magic marker must have really been magical because now we
have a infinite number of balls in the box as opposed to zero because every
integer is written on one of the balls followed by a infinite number of

Physics prevents the above paradoxes because all of these
thought experiments  assume that space or time or both are infinitely
divisible, but quantum physics says there is a smallest length (1.6*10^-35
meter) and a smallest time (5.4*10^-43 seconds). So mathematics must be a
language, the best language Homo Sapiens has ever found to describe the
physical world but like any language it can tell both fictional and non
fictional stories, and it can even tell fictional stories with logical plot

 John K Clark

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