On 16 May 2017, at 04:17, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 7:06 PM, David Nyman <da...@davidnyman.com> wrote:

​>> ​Physics prevents the above paradoxes because all of these thought experiments assume that space or time or both are infinitely divisible, but quantum physics says there is a smallest length (1.6*10^-35 meter) and a smallest time (5.4*10^-43 seconds).

​​> ​Yes indeed. But why in your view wouldn't this merely imply that whatever mathematics we invoke in explicating physics cannot thereby in the limit be continuous?​

​Because there is no mathematical reason time or space or anything else can't be continuous​,​ nor can mathematics find anything special about the​ numbers 1.6*10^-35​ or​ 5.4*10^-43​ , but physics can.​ And mathematics can produce paradoxes but physics never can. ​

You confuse a mathematical reality, like the standard model of arithmetic, or a group, with the theory about such object. You cannot produce a contradictory mathematical reality, only a false theory, and the same is true for physics or any theory. Mathematics is not a language. It uses some language, but that is no more mathematics than soccer journalism is soccer.

​> ​I know you take the view, which you reiterate above, that mathematics should be conceived exclusively in terms of the formalised mathematical intuitions we derive from observation of a physical externality. And if you find you cannot in the last analysis accept a viable distinction between mathematics defined in this way and its more abstract generalisation then of course computationalism in the sense I'm discussing it here can make no sense to you.

It makes sense to me ​that​​ Information is physical because non-reversible computation uses energy and increases entropy​. ​ Computationalism says​ the human mind is a​ information processing system​ and thinking is a form of ​computation,​ and that​ makes sense to me​ too​.

We can build reversible computer, so we can implement all computation without erasing memories and without using energy. Information would be physical if Everett was false, and von Neumann correct, like with a reduction of the wave packet by consciousness. But then we get 3p indeterminacy and 3p non locality, and a lot of magical stuff incompatible with Mechanism.

​>​Roger Penrose, for example, has defended very robustly the view of the "discovery" rather than the invention of mathematical truths.

​In mathematics you start with certain axioms

Hoping they are true on the reality we intend to reason about.

and agree to follow certain rules on how to manipulate those axioms, and if you follow those rules without error then we say the result is mathematically true,

No. Not only we don't do that, but we cannot do that. G does not prove []p -> p.

You confuse formal mathematics, which is like asking a machine, and doing mathematics oneself, which is an informal task.

but all we're really saying is that in the language of mathematics the result is grammatically correct.

Not that is plain false. Read any book in logic. The grammar belongs to a different chapter than both the proof theory and the semantic of the theory.

You defend conventionalism in mathematics. It is simply refuted by the incompleteness theorems, or other non go theorem. Physicists often defend that conventionalist idea. Even Einstein did, but according to Jammer, he changed his mind on this at the end of his life, thanks to Gödel, in Princeton.


Noam Chomsky ​famously gave an example of a sentence in another language, the English language, that was correct grammatically but meant nothing: ​

​"The ​colorless green ideas sleep furiously​"​

​  John K Clark​

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