On 09 Nov 2017, at 16:43, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:

If the measurement problem were solved in the sense being able to predict exact outcomes,


Quantum Mechanics would be refuted (with or without wave packet reduction).

thus making QM a deterministic theory,

You mean QM+collapse. With QM-without-collapse: QM is determinist in the third person picture, and non determinist from the perspective of the most observers.

would that imply an INCONSISTENCY in the postulates of QM? TIA.

Yes. If QM with collapse becomes deterministic, I think this would be close to adding local hidden variable, which are refuted by EPR/Bell.

Ah, I see Brent wrote

It would make it possible to use EPR like experiments to send signals faster than light...which is to say backward in time. That would pretty much screw up all known physics...and common sense.

Yes, I agree. QM+collapse+SP would be close to nonsense.

I agree with all what brent say, so I don't need to add anything. The measurement problem is quasi conceptually solved by decoherence in QM without collapse, although not entirely when we take into account Mechanism ! But the measurement problem is a "physical problem" if you assume the wave packet reduction, and the problem consists in making sense of it, in a way having testable consequence, and an as clear as possible interpretation of the wave(s) or the (density) matrix. It is not a problem for the applications. Measurement is indeed a powerful gate in quantum computing. The measurement problem is mainly the interpretation problem of the wave/matrix, to make sense of a notion of "physical reality".

It is also a good introduction of the mind body problem. Digital Mechanism generalizes it to arithmetic, and where the wave/matrix itself has to be justified from the reality about the numbers semi- computable relations verified in Arithmetic.


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