On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 2:14 PM Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> If matter (nouns) exist then something other than matter must exist too,
>> namely the relationship between matter (adjectives). I think both John
>> Clark and Philip Thrift are adjectives not nouns despite what our grade
>> school teachers told us. John K Clark
> > *Anyone who says relations are existing immaterial entities couldn't
> possible criticize Bruno Marchal's theory.*

I say if nouns exist then the properties of those nouns (adjectives) must
exist too.

Bruno Marchal says nouns don't exist but adjectives do even though they're
describing the properties of things that don't exist.

I say that does not make one bit of sense.

Therefore I have demonstrated you are wrong, it is possible to criticize
Bruno Marchal's theory. I just did it.

 John K Clark

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