On 9/16/2019 6:22 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:

On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 5:58:58 AM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:

    On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 4:49 AM Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com
    <javascript:>> wrote:

        > "Many Worlds" (as demonstrated via Sean Carroll here)
        demonstrates a failure of theoretical physics, or philosophy,
        or both.

    And I think the above demonstrates a lack of courage to face the
    possibility that reality may be structured in ways you do not
    like. As Carl Sagan said  "/The universe is not required to be in
    perfect harmony with human ambition/".

     John K Clark

When physics began to give non-intuitive results, in QM *and* Relativity, people when overboard. Now any patently absurd result finds its justification among true believers. So what happened to the (non-covariant)

You need to read this: http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2016/08/15/you-should-love-or-at-least-respect-the-schrodinger-equation/


wf after the measurement? Nothing. Like a horserace when it reaches conclusion, it's no longer applicable. That simple! The collapse hypothesis is just a bookkeeping device to get rid of it! AG

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