On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 3:54:46 PM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:


> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 9:22 AM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> *> When physics began to give non-intuitive results, in QM and Relativity, 
>> people when overboard. Now any patently absurd result finds its 
>> justification among true believers.*
> And in this context "patently absurd" means odd, not logically 
> contradictory not paradoxical not contrary to experimental results, just 
> odd. But as far as we know there is no law that says nature can't behave in 
> ways that humans find odd.

Many "odd" results are now mainstream, but MWI is bridge too far, way too 
far IMO. Why don't you just accept that the wf is simply irrelevant after 
the measurement occurs like in the horserace example?. Here, there's no 
collapse, no many worlds, no need to explain where the energy comes from 
which defines these worlds, and so forth? AG 

>> *> So what happened to the (non-covariant) wf after the measurement? 
>> Nothing.*
> True, and that's what Many Worlds says, nothing happens to the Schrödinger 
> wave of the universe described by his equation, it just keeps on going 
> forever.

MW says that and a hellofalot MORE! I gave you a hugely simpler solution. 
Why don't you take it and go in peace? AG

>> > Like a horserace when it reaches conclusion, it's no longer 
>> applicable. That simple! The collapse hypothesis is just a bookkeeping 
>> device to get rid of it!
> True again, the collapse hypothesis was tacked on not because it explained 
> observations better but because some people didn't like those many worlds, 
> so they just said some mysterious process makes them disappear even though 
> they can't clearly explain how this process does this or explain exactly 
> what circumstances are needed for it to take effect. In Sean Carroll's new 
> book, which I just started reading, he says Many Worlds could be called 
> Austere Quantum Mechanics because it adds nothing to Schrödinger's Equation 
> because nothing more is needed to explain observations.  Hugh Everett 
> didn't add any new physics, when he came up with Many Worlds, he just 
> followed the Schrödinger Equation as far as it would go and junked a lot of 
> useless gunk (like the collapse hypothesis) that did nothing except make 
> people who were squeamish about the idea there was more than one version of 
> them more comfortable.  
>  John K Clark

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