On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:41 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Yeah, but despite Chopra there was Linde is seems to be a reliable.
> physicist. Also, the dismissive crap performed by number crunchers, dismiss
> it because it merely offends their sense of...conventionality. Outside of
> Bruno, and Young, Standish, nobody else here is employed as an academician
> is there?

When I was employed (which was some time ago) I was certainly an academic.
Besides, it is not who you are, or what your current employment is, that
counts. It is whether you talk sense or nonsense.  Linde is not the only
professor of physics to go out onto speculative limbs from time to time.
Carroll seems to have fallen into the popularity trap of trying to make the
physics more sensational than it actually is.


Sagan, who gets quoted here, offered woo, in Cosmos, and basically. 40
> years later what do we know of the universe (currently) save that is a
> great, expanse of gas, dust, bereft of other civilizations, that we can
> never, in principle ever reach via probes. I, for one, look for some sort
> of commercial...intellectual..technological...somehow, some way..ROI. We
> need a pay out, in some fashion.

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