On 8/10/2020 10:24 AM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 6:00 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:

    I have no opinion at all on this.  Trump is a liar, but
    unfortunately, in the Health domain, there is a tradition of lies.
    It is even normal, once you tolerate making money on
    health/disease: a cured patient is a client lost. One of my
    student has been hired by a pharmaceutical company to develop AI
    tools to hide better the secondary effects in the notice of the
    medication, in a way such that it looks legal, and this for
    different countries.

I learned recently that in China, people pay their doctors for each month they are healthy, and pay nothing when they are sick:


Perhaps that is a better model.


So Chinese doctors never order tests and tend to say, "It's nothing.  Take two aspirin and call me in a month."


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