On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 5:33 AM Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com>

> >> when something that would now take paragraphs to explain becomes
>> intuitively obvious to everybody on a gut level people will say things in a
>> language whose grammar is totally different from anything spoken by anybody 
>> living
>> today. Early 21st-century speech will seem very archaic and naïve to
>> them.
> > *There would be social and legal changes,*

That is the understatement of the millennium, of the last several hundred
millennia actually.

> > *but people's psychology, developed over at least hundreds of thousands
> of years, would remain the same.*

If any being wishes to function and also to communicate after self
duplication becomes commonplace then language would have to change
RADICALLY because circumstances have changed to something different from
anything they were even remotely like in the last few hundred thousand
years since humans evolved. For an organism to remain viable radical
changes in the environment require radical changes in behavior. If you're
right and humans are hardwired in such a way that they are incapable of
changing then the only alternative is to cease communicating, or cease
functioning, or use genetic engineering to change the hardwiring.

John K Clark

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