On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 2:48 PM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> * > repeated experiments will not produce statistics that converge to the
> Born rule, i.e. there will necessarily (not just probabilistically) be
> experimenters in worlds supporting every possible probability value.  *

Not if the same experimenter also existed on a very large number of those
possible worlds, and I would maintain that 2 Everettian worlds that were
identical except that a grain of sand was moved one inch to the left on one
planet in orbit around one star in the Andromeda galaxy could be said in
any meaningful way to have two different experimenters on the planet earth
performing the experiment. Red is not a noun it is an adjective describing
a noun, describing something that reflects red light, and John K Clark is
not a noun either, it is describing something that behaves in a
johnkclarkian way. There are lots of Everettian worlds that contain
something that behaves in a johnkclarkian way and those who follow the Born
Rule and follow bayesian statistics will make better predictions than those
that don't.

John K Clark

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