On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 8:15 PM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Human minds can ask questions, computers outside of pre-programmed
> prompts do not.

AlphaZero Can start with no knowledge of Chess, Shogi and Go except for the
basic rules which specify which moves are legal and in less than 24 hours
it can teach itself how to play those games at a superhuman level that no
human can come close to matching.

> > It is not as if the machine actually is thinking a question.

It sure looks to me like the question AlphaZero is asking is "How can I
play better Chess, Shogi and Go?" and nobody gives him the answer, but 24
hours later AlphaZero finds the answer himself.

> Sure a computer can "ask a question," but it is just an audio-file

You're whistling past the graveyard, it sure seems to me that AlphaZero is
doing one hell of a lot more than that. Is it really your position that the
human brain possesses some magical mojo that no machine could ever match?

> But, we wrote the program, not the computer

Humans wrote the original code for AlphaZero but it had so radically
changed itself that 24 hours later no human being understands how it
operates or why it made the decision it does, and I think it's safe to say
no human being ever will.

John K Clark

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