[Bruno Marchal]
“We might both appreciate St-Augustin, but maybe for the exact opposite reason… 
(I don’t know)…… I do not doubt about the existence of a physical reality, but 
I do not take it as the fundamental theory a priori.”
[Philip Benjamin]
   Augustine is a historical figure—a physical reality. He pulled the civilized 
Greco-Roman PAGAN (HEATHEN) West from superstitions and illusory imaginations 
(including the unknown gods whom Rabbi Saul of Tarsus had already identified as 
the Risen Messiah—Acta chapter 17) into a path that eventually favored science, 
technologies, inventions and innovations. There is only one way to appreciate 
him—historicistic (i.e. a theoretical method in which history is seen as a 
standard of value or as a determinant of events).

The Telegraph Sarah Knapton Publishing date:Apr 08, 
“Physicists have seen signs that a mystery force is interacting with other 
particles in a manner never witnessed before. It may explain some of the 
deepest puzzles in modern physics, such as what dark matter is made from, or 
why there is an imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe”. [Philip 

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com <everything-list@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:05 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: The theology of number (Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg)

On 2 Apr 2021, at 16:15, Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

[Philip Benjamin]
     First of all, just a cue: most if not all postings here are responses to 
the postings of somebody else. I identify certain things, especially occultist 
mysticism, as WAMP [Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism)] and not science, which does 
not refer to any particular person(s), rather a self-description or a general 
observation .  Paganism is genuinely germane here, since civilized and erudite 
pagan Augustine’s “instant transformation” pulled the West out from Greco-Roman 
PAGANISM, philosophies, polytheistic superstitions and “unknown gods” into a 
path of knowable universe and investigative explorations that finally led to 
the development of science and technologies which the rest of the pagan world 
of civilizations and mystic scholarships could not initiate.

I use the term “pagan” for “non confessional theology”, and in particular the 

Parmenides, Pythagorus, Plato, Moderatus of Gades, Plotinus, Proclus, … 
Damascius … the Universal Turing machine (the indexical digital mechanist one 
in particular).

I take it as a meliorative. I would say that science somehow ended when 
theology was taken from science to “religious authoritarian institution”, who 
use wishful demagogic thinking, authoritative arguments and fairy tales, in 
place of trying to solve problems.

The Renaissance, unlike 13th century Islam, was only half enlightenment, as the 
main and most fundamental science metaphysics/theology/philosophy has been 
maintained in charlatanism, literature, politics…

The WAMP is a stealing beneficiary of that Augustinian Trust, including the 
Five Day workweek, Sabbaticals, etc. which are uniquely Scriptural and unheard 
of in other cultures.  That is not  “white trash” (N/A to Philip Benjamin 
anyway) as some here label, but a hard historical fact.

We might both appreciate St-Augustin, but maybe for the exact opposite reason… 
(I don’t know).

    As regards Bruno Marchal’s musings below, some general points need be 
1 .  Ones’ worldview is not necessarily science,

It is science if the theory is not claimed as true, and is presented in a 
sufficiently precise way that it is testable/refutable.
even if it be based on scientific observations. Bohr’s Taoism or Jungian 
sorceries are not
      necessarily sciences.

OK. (That can be debated as some of their statements are theorem in the physics 
derived from the theology (the Solovay G* logic) of the arithmetically sound 
machines. You might to study some of my papers(*).
They are worldviews based on the notions of particle-wave dualism and the BOTH 
& logical fallacy. Wave-
      likeness is not waviness. Particles behave like waves which can be 
described mathematically by via AS IF logic.
I do not assume a physical ontological reality, nor do I assume any theory.
I do not doubt about the existence of a physical reality, but I do not take it 
as the fundamental theory a priori.
My work shows how to test such ontological existence, and thanks to “Quantum 
Mechanics without Wave Collapse”, a rather strong case can be made that Nature 
favours Descartes’ Mechanism (and its immaterialism and non physicalism) 
instead of Aristotle ’s physicalism/materialism.
I can explain that Mechanism and Materialism, widely confused, are in complete 
opposition to each others, and inconsistent when taken simultaneously.
2 . Bio dark-matter is to astrophysical dark-matter, as bio light-matter 
(Periodic Table) is to astrophysical light-matter (H & He).
One of my goal is to just understand term like “matter” and “physical”, so I 
avoid to invoke them, before I get enough of them. All I got is a a statistic 
on relative computational state in arithmetic (in the standard model of 
arithmetic or in all models of arithmetic: computation is an absolute notion in 
logic, set theory, etc.)
3 . laws of chemistry are universal.

I expect this as a theorem of arithmetic/machine-theology.
Chemical bonds are spin-governed particle configurations of duets and octets.
4 . It is more unethical than unscientific to deny chemistry to 95% of unknown 
matter, but accept that for 5% of the known matter.
5 . Bio dark-matter particles of negligible mass with respect to electrons may 
compose of axions, monopoles and/or neutrinos or
     something else.
6 .  There is an “Additional Mass” reported on growth, and the same mass 
missing on death of organisms grown in hermetically sealed
      These experiments are reproducible and there is no legitimate reason why 
the WAMP do not repeat them for confirmation.
7 .   There is an increase of biophoton emission rate by an order of magnitude 
across the taxa (from human cells to plant cells in
        Petri-dish). Also, the biophoton emission rates increase with stress on 
the cell growth with a burst of biophotons at cell death.
 Note: All references to all these experiments have been cited before.
My methodology to formulate and solve the mind-body problem makes it impossible 
to use those 4-> 7 points, unless you show them testable and, either theorem in 
machine theology, or refuting it. If they are merely consistent, they might 
belong to geography/history (the contingent first person plural history).

You might study my “large public” presentation in Amsterdam in 2004. See blue 
link below.
Since then I do not more mention “arithmetical realism” because it is part of 
the classical Church-Turing thesis.

My work asks for some familiarity with the 1930s discoveries of the logicians: 
the universal machine, essential incompleteness, non-expressibility of 
(arithmetical) truth in arithmetic. To be sure Löb’s theorem 1955, and Solovay 
arithmetical completeness of the modal logic G* in 1976 play an important rôle.

By “theology of machine” or “theology of number” I mean mainly the modal logic 
G1* and its intensional variants.

G1 axiomatises completely the provable part of the self-reference logic (By a 
theorem of Solovay +Visser), and G1* axiomatises the true part (idem).
G1 is included in G1*.
G1* minus G1, which is not empty (by incompleteness) axiomatises the 
“surrational” corona in between rational and irrational.

The variants of Theaetetus definition of knowledge make sense in this context. 
The main point is that G* shows them all equivalent (they all “see” the same 
truth, in fact the sigma_1 truth), but G1 proves none of those equivalence. The 
self-referentially correct machine believes correctly that they obey very 
different logics (intuitionist, quantum logic, …).

With p sigma_1 we have

G* proves p <-> ([]p) <-> ([]p & p) <-> ([]p & <>t) <-> ([]p & <>t & p)

But G does not proves any of those equivalence. They all belong in the proper 
theological part of the theology (which, from the machine perspective transcend 
its “science” (G)).

“[]p” is Gödel’s beweisbar (provable) predicate (<>p is ~[]~p, “~” is the 
negation), p is an arbitrary partial computable, provable (if true) sentences 
of arithmetic/computer-science.



Marchal B. The computationalist reformulation of the mind-body problem. Prog 
Biophys Mol Biol; 2013 Sep;113(1):127-40

Marchal B. The Universal Numbers. From Biology to Physics, Progress in 
Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2015, Vol. 119, Issue 3, 368-381.

B. Marchal. The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations. In 4th International 
System Administration and Network Engineering Conference, SANE 2004, Amsterdam, 


Plotinus PDF paper with the link:
Marchal B. A Purely Arithmetical, yet Empirically Falsifiable, Interpretation of 
Plotinus’ Theory of Matter. In Barry Cooper S. Löwe B., Kent T. F. and Sorbi 
A., editors, Computation and Logic in the Real World, Third Conference on 
Computability in Europe June 18-23, pages 263–273. Universita degli studi di 
Sienna, Dipartimento di Roberto Magari, 2007.

 Philip Benjamin

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com<mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com>> On 
Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:45 AM   
Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg

On 26 Feb 2021, at 16:41, Philip Benjamin 
<medinucl...@hotmail.com<mailto:medinucl...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

  PB. From a scientific point of view, awakening refers to the extrinsic 
energization of the non-electric, non-entropic, bio twin formed from the moment 
of conception from  bio dark-matter and its chemistries.

>From a scientific point of view that is a (vague) theory. I will wait for the 
>axioms, and the consequences, and the means of testing.

If by Pagan you mean the believer in Matter, you seem doubly Pagan to me, as 
you assume two sorts of matter.

Personally I tend to see (weak) Materialism as a lasting superstition. It will 
disappear from the natural science, or the science of the observable, like 
vitalism has disappeared from biology.
What what I see are universal machine measuring numbers and inferring all sorts 
of relation betweens those numbers. And yes, some claim bizarre things about 
those things not capturable by numbers, and they are correct on this.
When doing metaphysics with the scientific method, we can use, today, the tools 
provided by mathematical logic, to distinguish better the realities (“models” 
or “interpretations” in the sense of logician) and the 
theories/machines/words/numbers/finite-thing we are tackling about, and can be 
talking with, or “in” (standard use).

I have no idea of your assumptions, and invoking dark matter is very weird, do 
you mean a theory with axions? I am not sure anybody have found a theory of 
Dark Matter, and I am personally skeptical on any ontological matter, as there 
are no evidence for that (despite Newtonian physics would contradict Mechanism, 
and be an evidence against mechanism if it were true).

Gödel’s theorem protects Mechanism from Diagonalisation à la Lucas-Penrose, and 
it happens that it protects mechanism from many misuse of quantum mechanics, 
that it predicts “semantically” and “syntactlcally”, and this without 
ontological commitment, just the usual simple fact of the type 2+2=4 or KSK = 
S, ...


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