for me nationalism is and was merely a best means to a generalized end the end 
being the survival of the interest of the middle class as fitting into the 
conceived nation state. It would be crazy to pursue this edict to a mad end 
which would be nobody who is patriotic, or nobody who is looking out for the 
interest of their own people, is inherently bad, and in my opinion it's a 
neutral thing it's like having buck teeth or not it's just as a feature. The 
rise of nationalist leaders in Brazil and Boris Johnson if you will he's not 
really a nationalist leader, and the US was symptomatic of globalism not 
working for the middle class that simple! Even nationalists are quite aware of 
the effect of the Smoot Holly tariff at the beginning of the depression and how 
it turned the depression into the great depression. As historian Pat Moynihan 
stated some years ago the road to Hiroshima and Auschwitz flowed through Smooth 
Holly so yes policies do have their effects don't they?

I am deeply concerned about the way the Democrats are profoundly affiliated 
with the globalist who are basically China facing businesses that have evolved 
into oligarchis. these I would submit don't serve the interest of the US middle 
class nor of the middle class anywhere else in the world thus we may all have 
something in common just as the globalist billionaires have something in common 
they're hunger for Chinese money. if there was a conspiracy to oust orange man, 
it was performed not by antifa or BLM but by the billionaires and their media 
consulties. But that's just a guess on my part! The impact of the new 
administration's policies may get us into a situation where we are involved in 
hyperinflation as in the 1970s high unemployment as in the 1970s and political 
repression. this would constitute a destabilized America and its impacts upon 
the rest of the world should be noted.

On Thursday, February 25, 2021 Bruno Marchal <> 

On 24 Feb 2021, at 15:30, Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

As an outside observer, I can't help but notice the following pattern in 
American politics: every presidential election is now seen as a 
civilization-threatening event, where each side believes that the other side is 
literally pure evil in its crystalized form, and that if they win, life as we 
know it will be over. We have now been through several iterations of this, and 
the reality is that nothing ever seems to happen, one way or the other.

I think that before Trump, most Dems and Rep saw themselves as adversary, but 
not as enemy. Only with Trump, the adversary has become a scapegoat, an enemy, 
the responsible of all wrongs. Trump does not seem to be able to dialog, not 
even with its close accomplices. Trump is the worst enemy of … Trump. I think 
that his case is close to being pathological.

Let me propose a (I know, perhaps crazy), alternative hypothesis:

Your limbic system has been hijacked for clicks. The presidency is not as 
important as you think it is. Most people are mostly incompetent. China is 
incompetent, Russia is incompetent, the CIA is incompetent and so on and so 
forth. Very little of what they do matter to you or me in any way, shape or 

There is no class consciousness in the 21st century in the west. There will be 
no revolt of the middle classes. Antifa is just a bunch of college kids doing 
what college kids do. BLM protests created no problems of any significance 
whatsoever. Statues don't matter, cancel culture doesn't matter, the alt-right 
doesn't matter, none of it matters. Most of the public personalities on both 
the right and the left are entertainers making a living. Nothing of what they 
say matters.

If Trump would have said what he knew about covid-19 in February 2020), May 
people would still be alive. 
If Trump would have won the second term election: I think that democracy would 
not have survived, on the whole planet, and the whole planet would be like … 
Texas today. I mean without water, ...

The stuff that matters is boring: laws, education, serious journalism. If the 
legal system, or education, or newspapers give you an emotional rush, you're 
probably getting counterfeit goods. Being able to talk to each other without 
accusing the other side of being nazis or harvesting babies for adrenochrome is 
what probably matters. There is no conspiracy. There is just short-term greed, 
and new technologies that create environments that we did not evolve for. 

If short term greed is satisfy by honest means, there is no problem, but when 
lies are made at the top, soon the belly, the health, and the basic needs 
disappear, leading to suffering. 

I detest Trump, but I detest him because he's a dumb and mean narcissist who 
sets a horrible example. I don't like bullies, and I hate it when they win. 
Otherwise, he didn't matter. He accomplished nothing of any significance, good 
or bad.

I think he did one good thing, and a tun of very bad things, and his 
endangering of democracy is not yet terminated. Thanks to him, there are QAnon 
people in the government. That’s very bad. 

The covid fuck-up probably had more to do with American culture and overall 
circumstances than anything else. The lack of a real public health system,

That’s because prohibition and free-market are inconsistent. Then, the abandon 
of rigour in the fundamental human science makes people accepting 
inconsistencies, which lead to human catastrophes. Even the “electric crisis” 
in Texas comes from the worst political isolationnisme possible, and a 
willingness to refuse a free-market for electricity. 

the self-reliant mentality that has a great side and a horrible side, the 
glorification of work at all costs, the social inequalities that force a lot of 
people to work at all costs. All stuff that was already there, and will keep 
being there. Every country in the world thought they were very smart about 
covid until they weren't. If one compares covid to the Spanish flu, it's 
unfolding in exactly the same way. The curves look the same, it's uncanny.

Biden won't matter either, nor will Kamala.

When good willing people can do compromise, people have a bigger chance to 
drink when thirsty or to eat when hungry. And kids have more chance to get a 
solid education, and become less prone to lies. I fear as much Sanders than 
Trump, and the task will not be easy for Biden and Kamala, but I leave them a 
chance, and at least, they are of the type of beings capable of conceding 
losing elections. Trump, it seems to me, has clearly shows his envy to be a 
dictator, which it is the first time in the US that this could have happened. 
Without the honesty of the Republicans in Georgia, Trump might have become the 
46th president, and I don’t even want to imagine the state of the US after that.

Is there a lot of stuff that we should improve in the world? Oh yes! But none 
of this has anything to do with that.

I think that the democracy is the base to make any long-term improvement 
possible. Of course, it is a “living” thing, and so it can get sick, and even 

For me, democracy is a symptom of our Löbianity: the knowledge that we don’t 
know the truth, nor can we know what is the best for us, and the consequence: 
let us try and see if it works, and letting people judge if it works, by 
oscillating between alternative solutions.

Paul Valery said that the human choice is between war and logic. Democracy is 
the attempt to use logic, and argumentation around a table, instead of bloody 
war on a battlefield, and I think it is a key progress. It prevents dark 
lasting ideology of possible bully monarchs. 



Am Mi, 24. Feb 2021, um 04:14, schrieb spudboy100 via Everything List:

Well look at it this way The billionaires the globalist all the same funded and 
conspired with news media according to Time magazine a couple of weeks ago to 
get their China money back which was the essence of their opposition to the 
orange man. Going forward it's going to be more interesting to see what happens 
with the US domestic economy first, and then see if the so-called Democrats 
decide to use political oppression on top of this. What I am guessing is that 
if and when they do, and it is no certainty, we'll see a rebellion in the USA, 
because not everybody in this continent is so easily persuaded by whatever 
Obama and Kamala and of course Joe have to say about things specifically don't 
lose sight of the fact that it is there oligarchy that is running things now 
and not the US middle class and I think things will break along class lines if 
it when things go bad especially economically. Peace out!

On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Bruno Marchal <> 

On 21 Jan 2021, at 01:34, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

Bruno, I completely agree and will be delighted to be proven wrong, as thus, 
the new people (basically Obama's people) have a turn again at bat (US baseball 
reference). QANON, I ignored because they produced nothing useful, Basically, a 
disinformation campaign, and many of these in the past seemingly, were not all 
by the Soviets, the Chinese Communist Party, but were spun up by US advertising 
agencies. All in the name of psychological warfare. 

I don’t think we can compare the lying propaganda (of the USSR for exemple) 
with the advertising in the US. Even the lies on drugs could be criticised, and 
the truth be known, like with the book of Jack Herer. He has not been sent in 
jail, nor his family get under threats. Threats in politics in something new in 
America, and seems to come up through Trump and those who enabled him. That is 
very grave, but, thank God, the US is still a democracy. But the Republican 
Party is very sick, that is what we can say.


Here is my questions for the departed Orange President? Where is your evidence 
of massive, successful, voter fraud? 

Since you had mentioned back in 2016 when you ran against Hillary,

I ran for nobody. After one week of Trump’s campaign I predicted (wrongly) that 
he would not get more than one vote. I am vey naïve, but once he promised he 
would show his taxes, I knew he was a crook. I am a republican, just horrified 
by Donald Trump and most of his acolytes. For me you can put Trump at the 
extreme left. You need this to lick Putin and Kim-Young-Un feet...

and quoted a study that indicated illegals in the US voting, you must have 
expected vote fraud, so why not take the steps to ensure that it would be 
difficult to conduct mass fraud??

The election in the US are very well organised. To have mass fraud is basically 
impossible. You would need thousands of democrats becoming (fake) member of the 
Republican Party. At this hours, we would have many whistleblowers using some 
doubt, at the least. But none of this occur, and no people witnessing frauds 
have maintained their claim under oath. I think, with Crebs, that: those were 
the most secure election ever made on the planet.

Now, the facts that republicans continue to fear Trump worry me. They will lose 
the election and the honour, and that’s the best case scenario for the US.


-----Original Message-----

From: Bruno Marchal <>


Sent: Wed, Jan 20, 2021 10:41 am

Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg

On 17 Jan 2021, at 08:22, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

Universities are the autocratic kings of censorship and repression.

Some universities are like that, with some degree. When I was young, there were 
some excellent course in philosophy alongside with course which were pure and 
simple propaganda.

Then even the math departement was politicised, after may 1968. You needed to 
be communist to be well seen by the geometers, to be socialist to be well seen 
by Algebraists,  and to be capitalist to be analyst (calculus). Well, not as 
clearcut at this, but that was in the air, and some student got bad note for 
not applauding some local ideology, which was outrageous,

Some have fight on this and win, others have fight and got many problems. It 
all depends on the character of many individuals, but of course, the 
pré-eminance of the human general law “the boss is right” does not help.

At least, in a working democracy, we can change the boss from time to time. 
That is a real progress, and perhaps the only one since Plato, in the human 

It is no mistake that the most tyrannical of presidents Wilson and Obama 
arrived from the realm of professorship. I would add FDR and his internment 
camps, but he did free more peeps, than he imprisoned to say the least, so good 
on him. 

So what to do? My part is easy! Wait for errors on the side of the ruling 
class, that affects the middle class, and when enough uncorrected problems pile 
up, people, naturally will react. Repression from social media and the banks 
will be one thing that initiates a back-reaction (right outta optical physics).

If the Dems do well with economic recovery, then it will be sunny skies for 
them.  Once Kamala gets in gear, we will see what her leadership takes us? 

Let us give them a chance. We will see.


On Saturday, January 16, 2021 Philip Benjamin 
<> wrote:

[John K Clark]

“No universities are doing any censoring either and for exactly the same 
reason, although I do think threatening to expel students for what they say is 
a very unproductive thing to do”

[Philip Benjamin]

   There are hundreds if not thousands of instances to the contrary. Some are 
listed below. That is why I call these Universities WAMP—Western Acade-Media 



     ANGELES ( — Attorneys for a California State University, 
Northridge scientist who was terminated from his job after discovering soft 
tissue on a triceratops fossil have filed a lawsuit against the university.


    Astronomer Sues the University of Kentucky, Claiming His Faith Cost Him a 


    A Psychiatry Professor fired after speech opposing puberty-blocking drugs 
sues university


    A Chapman University law professor who has come under fire for his election 
fraud claims and participation in a rally led by President Donald Trump just 
before the insurrection at the Capitol fought back Monday against critics who 
are calling for his ouster from the university



       Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom ... What 
they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein 
(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest, and learns an 
awe-inspiring truth … that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied 
tenure and even fired – for the crime of merely believing that there might be 
evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of 
accidental, random chance. To which Ben Says: Enough! And then gets busy. 
NOBODY messes with Ben.

Philip Benjamin  


From: <> On 
Behalf Of John Clark

Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2021 6:12 AM



Subject: Re: Q Anon is the tip of the iceberg


On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:


> For me, all I need to see is which companies are doing the censoring?


To censor someone you need the power to imprison or kill them if they say 
something you don't like, so no company is doing any censoring, some of them 
may want to but none of them are able to because only governments have enough 
power to do that. I'm not saying companies don't have any power at all because 
they do, and sometimes they use the power they do have unwisely, and that's a 
problem, but the solution is not to give even more power to the government 
because it already has quite enough power thank you. So what is the solution?  
I don't know, there may not be one, there is not always a solution to every 
problem and that's why we live in an imperfect world and probably always will, 
but we should try to make the imperfections as small as possible. And if 
history has taught us anything it's that  giving even more power to the 
government, which is already the most powerful institution in our society, will 
not make the world perfect.


> Which universities are censoring for the "safety of the students"


No universities are doing any censoring either and for exactly the same reason, 
although I do think threatening to expel students for what they say is a very 
unproductive thing to do. And I think the idea that university students are 
such delicate snowflakes that they need protection from harsh language or 
exposure to views different from their own is ridiculous; they're not gonna be 
in college for their entire life and sooner or later they're going to have to 
toughen up if they want to live in the real world. So that's a problem, but the 
world is full of problems and some of them we just have to live with. I know 
one thing for sure: a government edict banning such a practice would cause more 
problems than it solved.


> We had 7 months of sporadic riots and the liberals (which I sometimes side 
> with) and now they freak out when conservatives targets the capital.


If you are not freaked out by a murderous mob of Stormtrumper zombies staging a 
coup d'état by attacking the Capital Building which contained the Vice 
President and every single member of the House and Senate in an attempt to 
overturn the Constitution of the USA and a free election to keep their "Dear 
Leader" in power indefinitely then there is something very seriously wrong with 


John K Clark.


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