On 11-07-2021 02:46, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 10:21 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

On 11-07-2021 00:59, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 8:27 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

On 10-07-2021 21:41, 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List wrote:
On 7/10/2021 1:19 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
So, in general we can conclude by generalizing this to any
number of particles that even with what we consider to be
records, you don't get rid of the theoretical possibility of
interference between the sectors where those records are

We can if the universe is expanding faster than light beyond the

The expansion of the universe is irrelevant. The information
to see the interference pattern continues to exist outside the
when it isn't accessible to us anymore. And this is irrelevant
for the
discussions about observations in quantum mechanics. If an
performs a measurement and the claim is that this is a unitary
process with the observer evolving into a superposition, while
the objection

against this claim is that infrared photons are escaping and will
eventually move beyond the Hubble volume, then these photons will
still not have escaped beyond the Hubble horizon by the time the
is aware of the results of the experiment. So, whether or not the
photons will eventually no longer be accessible, cannot be

Once the photons escape from the immediate environs of the
they are not recoverable. Try shining a torch at night to
illuminate a
tree. Now try to stop the illumination already present. You can
future illumination by covering the torch, or switching it off.
once the tree is illuminated it is not reversible. The expansion
the universe, and the existence of the Hubble horizon, just makes
irreversibility more obvious.

This is only true in practice, not in principle because the escaping

photons be captured and detected in principle.

Not true. You can;t ever catch up with the escaping photons to capture
They can be reflected back using mirrors. One can therefore at least in principle do experiments that rule out collapse theories for large systems that are large enough to include observers. And once collapse theories are ruled out in a few experiments it follows that in a superposition all the sectors where observers find different results objectively exist, regardless of whether or not in those particular situations one could have done the same sorts of experiments that ruled out collapse theories.

It's also irrelevant,
because the photons that escape continue to exist, the information
contained in  the photons continues to exist, even if it were true
they could not be recovered. Then if we were to conduct an
experiment with the balls then we wouldn't see an interference
But if we write down where each balls lands on the screen then this
information together with information that could be obtained by
performing certain measurements on the escaping photons emitted by
ball would still yield an interference pattern.

This is where you go seriously wrong. Simply recording where the
photons land does not quantum erase the information they carried. Once
the photons carry off the which way information, the interference
pattern is restored only if the information carried by the photons is
quantum erased. Simply running the photons into a screen (or the
wall), even if you record where they land, is not quantum erasure.
See, for example, the paper arXiv:1206.6578 on quantum erasure. In
this paper they say "the presence of path information anywhere in the
universe is sufficient to prohibit any possibility of interference. In
other words, the atoms' path states alone are not in a coherent
superposition due to the atom-photon entanglement." This transfers
directly to the buckyball experiment under discussion. Running the
photons into a screen, or the wall, does not destroy the ball-photon

Recording where the photons land on the screen is enough, this is very easy to see. Let's consider an interference experiment where the particle gets entangled with another particle that carries away the which way information. If we work in the position representation then we have a wavefunction:

psi(x,y) = 1/sqrt(2) [psi_1(x,y) + psi_2(x,y)]    (1)

where x is the position of particle 1 just before it hits the screen and y the position of the other particle at that time, and psi_1(x,y) is the wavefunction when only slit 1 is open while psi_2(x,y) the wavefunction with only slit 2 open. We also assume that particle 2 carries the which way information, this means that psi_1(x,y) and psi_2(x,y) for x kept fixed and considered as a function of y are eigenfunctions with different eigenvalues of an observable that corresponds to extracting the which way information from the second particle. This then implies that psi_1(x,y) and psi_2(x,y) are orthogonal for every x:

Integral psi_1(x,y)*psi_2(x,y)d^3y = 0     (2)

So, if we compute the probability of observing particle 1 at some position x, while we don't measure the position of particle 2, we find by taking the modulus squared of (1) and integrating over y:

Integral |psi(x,y)|^2 d^3y = 1/2 Integral |psi_1(x,y)|^2 d^3y + 1/2 Integral |psi_2(x,y)|^2 d^3y

 + Re Integral psi_1(x,y)*psi_2(x,y) d^3y

And the last term vanishes due to (2), so we don't detect interference. But now suppose that we perform a simultaneous measurement of the positions of both particles. The probability of detecting particle 1 at position x and particle 2 at position y is:

|psi(x,y)|^2 = 1/2 |psi_1(x,y)|^2 y + 1/2 |psi_2(x,y)|^2 + Re psi_1(x,y)*psi_2(x,y)

So, there now clearly an interference term. If we keep y fixed the probability distribution of x will show interference., This requires one to count the dots on the screen for particle 1 for the cases where particle 2 ends up within some narrow range for some fixed y. If we don't keep track of y and just add up all the dots at the positions on the screen for particle 1, then that amounts to integrating the interference term over all y, which will make it vanish die to orthogonality.



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