On Monday, June 17, 2024 at 7:28:13 PM UTC+2 John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 10:26 PM PGC <multipl...@gmail.com> wrote:


*> you can always brute force some LLM through huge compute and large, 
highly domain specific training data, to "solve" a set of problems;*

I don't know what those quotation marks are supposed to mean but if you are 
able to "solve" a set of problems then the problems have been solved, the 
method of doing so is irrelevant. Are you sure you're not whistling past 
the graveyard?

In discussing the distinction between memorization, which LLMs heavily rely 
on, and genuine reasoning, which involves building new mental models 
capable of broad generalizations and depth, consider the following:

Even if I have no prior knowledge of a specific domain, with a large enough 
library, memory, and pattern recognition of word sequences and 
probabilistic associations, I could "generate" a solution by merely 
matching patterns. The more my memory aligns with the problem and domain, 
the higher the likelihood of "solving" it.

To illustrate, imagine a student unfamiliar with an advanced topic who 
stumbles upon a book in a library that contains the exact problem and its 
solution. By copying the solution verbatim, they have effectively cheated. 
This is akin to undergraduates peeking at each other's exams: they are 
unable to model the problem and derive a solution themselves but can 
memorize and reproduce the solution by glancing at others' work. This 
differs from students who, through understanding the domain's fundamentals, 
experiment with various approaches and reason their way to a solution. 
These students might even discover novel solutions, unlike those who merely 
copy and paste from their peers. Hence the quotation marks; there is no 
"solving" going on by cheating through memory. 

This analogy extends to the internet, where some people fake expertise by 
parroting buzzwords and formulations from Wikipedia, in contrast to genuine 
experts who contribute original insights. As discussions progress and 
become more complex, these parrots often become lost, unable to keep up 
with the depth and specificity required. Higher education attempts to 
address this by rewarding original, effective problem-solving approaches 
over mere memorization and repetition.

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