On Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 4:13:25 AM UTC+2 Jason Resch wrote:

On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 6:05 PM Brent Meeker <meeke...@gmail.com> wrote:

You can always add some randomness to a computer program.  LLM's aren't 
deterministic now.  Human intelligence may very well be memory plus 
randomness, although I'd bet on the inclusion of some inference 
algorithms.  The randomness doesn't even have to be in the brain.  People 
interact with their environment which provides a lot of effective 
randomness plus some relevant prompts.

Yes, I think there is no great mystery to creativity. It requires only 1. 
random permutation/combination, and 2. an evaluation function: *how much 
better is this new thing compared to the previous thing?* This is the 
driver behind all the innovation in biology produced by natural selection. 
And this same mechanism is replicated in the technique of "genetic 
programming <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_programming>." Koza, who 
invented genetic programming, used it to create his "invention machine 
which has created patent-worthy improvements across multiple domains of 

I use genetic programming to evolve bots, and in only a few generations, 
they move from stumbling around at random, to deriving unique, 
environment-specific strategies to maximize their ability to feed 
themselves while avoiding obstacles:


There is no intelligence imparted to the design of the bots. They evolve 
purely based on random variation of traits of the top performers (as 
evaluated based on how much they ate during their life).

Your addition about randomness is interesting. It’s true that LLMs 
incorporate some degree of randomness, and human intelligence might also be 
influenced by randomness and inference algorithms. The interaction with our 
environment introduces effective randomness contributing to our 
decision-making processes. The notion that creativity stems from random 
permutation/combination and an evaluation function resonates with the 
principles of natural selection and genetic programming. The example of 
genetic programming evolving bots to optimize their behavior through random 
variation and evaluation showcases this mechanism effectively.

However, we should differentiate between speculation and facts in your 
statements. While randomness and evaluation are essential components of 
genetic programming, the assertion that there is "no great mystery to 
creativity" oversimplifies: what you're bringing up is a kind of 
creativity, which is constrained by its iterative limitations. A change 
here, a small new feature there... it's clear that this is creativity on a 
budget, making only the smallest adaptations necessary for survival instead 
of yielding radically new designs from the ground up. The kind that is 
found and most sought after in boundary-breaking science and/or art, even 
if everybody stands on shoulders: not every PhD has a Newtonian impact on 
the world.

Randomness + evaluation = creativity looks rhetorically simple and clear. 
However, there are two problems I see:

1. Who/What is Evaluating? Evaluation can be completely deterministic and 
mechanical, it can be effective on levels like natural selection, or it can 
result from a subject with intuition, experience, and a refined sense of 
taste or a more rudimentary one. It can involve a particular psychology, 
some world or even multiverse-based ontology to embed said subject, and 
more. The questions raised encompass our entire history and all qualia, if 
not more. Therefore, evaluation is not as simple or clear as that seemingly 
factual statement suggests. "Evaluation," as you sketch out rather 
unclearly, merely hides the problem of subject and reality for a rhetorical 
mirage of clarity.

2. Oversimplification of Creativity: By all means, build the creativity 
machine, order the randomness and evaluation in bottles from Amazon, and 
win every prize from science to the arts by cranking it up to 11. But this 
oversimplification doesn't capture the full depth of human creativity, 
which involves more than just random variations and evaluations. It 
involves cognitive processes we have difficulty describing, emotional 
influences, and the ability to synthesize disparate ideas into something 
more original on the novelty spectrum.

Ultimately, while LLMs and AI can significantly augment our capabilities, 
they remain, for now, advanced assistants rather than autonomous 
intelligences capable of independent breakthroughs. The future may bring 
further integration and enhancement, but the unique qualities of human 
intelligence—our ability to synthesize thought, exercise creativity, and 
approach problems from unstructured perspectives with imperfect information 
to name just a few aspects —are not yet replicable by anything people have 

I'm sure Quentin, Telmo, and Russell are reading this and shaking their 
heads. But they have probably been fired and replaced by LLMs much smarter 
than them. This should provide additional motivation to build that machine 
though, Jason. They need our support. Then again, the way we/people behave 
in the world... it's best we don't develop that, IF it is possible in the 
first place.  

I'm not saying we won't see fascinating developments. The threshold for me 
is overwhelming evidence that something can independently formulate and 
learn to solve problems effectively with a notable degree of originality in 
unspecified environments on problems it hasn't been trained on. Synthetic 
data or not. Superintelligence is more like the thing that can spit out 
3000 years worth of mathematical/scientific discoveries in a second. The 
problem with this, presupposing optimistically and irrationally that it is 
possible, is that I'm not sure we would understand it. 


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