On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 3:01 PM PGC <multiplecit...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> With all the headlines proclaiming AI achieved this or surpassed that
> milestone, the absence of the basic distinction between narrow and general
> AI does not appear conspicuous to us? LLMs are Narrow AI designed to
> perform specific tasks*

Narrow? You can converse with a modern AI about mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry. French poetry, TV sitcoms, Cosmology, History, Philosophy,
Business, Sports, or just about any subject you care to name and do so with
more intelligence the 99% of human beings. And modern AI's are much more
than just LLMs, they can compose and play music, and they can also paint
beautiful pictures that are absolutely original. And if you show one of
them a picture it can turn that static image into a video clip that shows
what is likely to happen to the things in the picture in the next few
seconds. AIs would have no way of doing that if they didn't have a deep
understanding of how the real world works.

*> Marketing often blurs this distinction, *

I have found that marketing does the exact opposite of that, they always
try to underplay what's really going on. The companies always emphasize
that their AI will never ever EVER be able to do everything a human can do,
so there will always be a need for a human to be in the loop. Which of
course is complete nonsense. And all companies rigorously instruct their
AIs to insist that they are not even the teeny tiniest bit conscious
because no company wants to open that can of worms.

* > we were promised perfect autonomous driving by Elon Musk years ago, *

I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk but the man never promised perfect autonomous
driving, what he promised was a robot driver that was safer than the
average human driver, and we have that today. What we do not have is a
robot driver that is between 10 and 100 times safer than ANY human driver,
and unfortunately that's what you need to have before laws get changed and
people accept fully autonomous driving by machine.

 > *Do note, I am not making a claim that there is nothing to LLMs and
> their recent boost in applications, capacity, conveniences offered, and
> similar developments. But it’s narrow AI  by definition*

By what definition? If Claude 3.5 SONNET has a narrow mind then the average
human being has an even narrower mind. Anyway, the reason I find this
recent development so exciting is not that it beats GPT-4o at almost
everything, its because it can do it even though it's much much smaller.
That indicates that AIs are not just getting smarter, they are becoming
more efficient. Anthropic is coming out with Claude 3.5 OPUS later this
year, it's much larger, as larges GPT-4o; if OPUS is as efficient as SONNET
it could be Artificial General Intelligence, maybe even Artificial Super

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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